Barbara Engelhardt, Princeton University
Michael Schatz, Johns Hopkins University
Catalina Vallejos Meneses, University of Edinburgh, UK
COVID-19: All participants planning to attend in-person will be required to provide documentary proof of full vaccination AND first booster with an FDA or EMA approved vaccine. Additional safety measures will be in line with current NY and federal guidelines. For more information, see COVID-19 Policies and Protocols.
We are pleased to announce the fifth meeting on Biological Data Science, which will begin on Wednesday, November 9 at 7:30 p.m. and conclude with lunch on Saturday, November 12, 2022.
The scope of this meeting will be the infrastructure, software, and algorithms needed to analyze large data sets in biological research. We welcome abstracts from researchers in both academia and industry who work on technical aspects of the discussion topics in all areas of biology, from genomics to imaging. We also welcome abstracts from translational and clinical researchers who regularly mine large data sets as part of their projects. The goal is to assemble a multidisciplinary audience that will discuss best practices, identify challenges, and highlight successes in the analysis of large biological data sets.
Discussion Themes:
- Single Cell
- Personalized Medicine and Biomarkers
- Imaging
- Machine Learning
- Algorithmics
- Tools, Infrastructure, and Visualization
Keynote Speakers:
Adam Phillippy, National Human Genome Research Institute
Molly Przeworski, Columbia University
Confirmed Discussion Leaders:
Rosa Alcazar, Clovis Community College
Spiros Denaxas, University College London
Jeremy Goecks, Oregon Health and Science University
Elinor Karlsson, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Stephanie Hicks, Johns Hopkins University
Johannes Köster, University of Duisberg-Essen, Germany
Michael Love, University of North Carolina
Tychele Turner, Washington University Schoolof Medicine
Robert Patro, University of Maryland
David Kelley, Calico Labs
Sanja Vickovic, New York Genome Center
Marinka Zitnik, Harvard University
Abstracts should contain only new and unpublished material and must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentations will be made by the organizers and individual session chairs. The status of abstracts (i.e., talk or poster) will be posted as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers. Please bring this announcement to the attention of any of your colleagues who may be interested in participating in the meeting.
All questions pertaining to registration, fees, housing, meals, transportation, visas, abstract submission or any other matters should be directed to Samantha Mastronardi.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is eager to have as many young people as possible attend this meeting. As such, we have some funds set aside to partially support students and postdocs. Please register and apply in writing to Samantha Mastronardi stating your eligibility and need for financial support. Preference will be given to those submitting abstracts.
We look forward to seeing you at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in November 2022.
Partial support for this meeting provided by:
Social Media: The designated hashtag for this meeting is #biodata22. Note that you must obtain permission from an individual presenter before live-tweeting or discussing his/her talk, poster, or research results on social media. Click the Policies tab above to see our full Confidentiality & Reporting Policy.
This meeting is sponsored by:

In-Person Fees
Academic/Media Private Room/Private Bath Package: $1,310
Academic/Media Private Room/Shared Bath Package: $1,235
Academic Shared Room Package: $1,130
Academic/Media No-Housing Package: $860
Student Package*: $1,045
Student No-Housing Package: $775
Corporate Private Room/Private Bath Package: $1,625
Corporate No-Housing Package: $1,250
*Student Housing is default double occupancy. Please enquire about availability and fees to upgrade to private room.
NOTE: We cannot guarantee housing will be on campus
Room package reservations close 2 weeks before the meeting start date
Rules for Virtual Participation: Virtual participation will include access to the oral sessions via Zoom, access to the digital poster sessions and access to the Slack discussion channel, and the Leading Strand video archive.
Presenters: Individuals submitting abstracts and facing financial barriers should firstly request financial aid (see above). Permission to present your talk or poster virtually will be given only in exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis. If you think you are eligible for an exemption from the requirement to present in person, please provide a justification in writing via email to Samantha Mastronardi.
Non-presenting participants: We plan to broaden access to the conference by allowing certain categories of non-presenting participants to attend virtually at reduced fees. Categories include:
1. Individuals from low & middle income countries;
2. Individuals from non-LMIC countries in Asia, Australasia, Africa or South America;
3. Individuals from US & Canadian minority serving institutions;
4. Individuals with a demonstrable financial barrier;
5. Individuals with family obligations or other special circumstances.
For categories 4 & 5 above, please provide a justification via email to
Samantha Mastronardi
Late Fees (registrations submitted after 5:00pm ET on November 3rd)
Academic Virtual Package: $355
Student Virtual Package: $250
Corporate Virtual Package: $475