Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) invites participation in our meetings from all eligible applicants irrespective of gender, race/ethnicity, disability status, religion, or nationality. By registering for a CSHL meeting, all participants agree to abide by the policies described below as well as all applicable federal, state and local laws.

Data Privacy
Confidentiality & Reporting at CSHL Meetings
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
Diversity & Inclusion
Code of Conduct & Alcohol Use
CSHL Beach Use Policy
Photograph Release Waiver & Attribution Policy


The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) Meetings & Courses Program is committed to protecting all personal data submitted to us by meetings participants, in compliance with U.S. and international laws.

The types of personal information we collect depend on your intended activity at CSHL. At minimum, we collect your name, primary address, phone number, email address, and professional details such as career stage, laboratory head, etc. We also ask that you specify gender and any dietary requests on registration forms, as CSHL arranges housing and food accommodations for 90% of its meetings participants. For poster and oral presenters, we additionally request the submission of one-page abstracts used to develop the meeting programs. Abstract submission requires limited personal information for all abstract authors, not just the presenting author. For U.S. citizens and residents, we also request demographic information such as race and ethnicity on a voluntary basis, which is used for U.S. federal reporting purposes.

The CSHL Meetings & Courses Program is the sole repository of all information collected through our website. We do not sell, rent or share personal information with other organizations. Anonymized data aggregated from meeting registration and abstract submission forms are used in federal grant applications and grant reports. Payment information provided during registration is processed through standard encryption protocols by a third-party provider ( and is not stored at CSHL.

The Meetings & Courses Program utilizes personal information provided by you to organize and manage the CSHL event(s) you attend. Based on your participation history with CSHL, we will alert you to highly related activities and events offered by us in the future. Any such correspondence will include the option to permanently opt out of future announcements and notifications.

If you think we are not abiding by this Data Privacy policy, please contact us via email or postal mail at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Meetings & Courses Program, 1 Bungtown Road, Cold Spring Harbor NY 11724.


All abstracts, oral presentations, and posters at CSHL meetings are the responsibility of the presenting author(s). Publication of an abstract, talk, or poster does not imply endorsement of the research by CSHL.

Confidentiality & Use of Information
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) meetings attract scientists for intensive discussions of the latest discoveries in a broad range of biological and biomedical research areas. CSHL encourages the presentation of unpublished data at all meetings. Therefore, material presented at CSHL meetings — including abstracts, oral presentations, and posters — must be treated as confidential personal communication and cited only with full consent of the presenting author(s). Photos and audio/video recordings of oral presentations or individual posters are strictly prohibited, except with advance permission of the presenter(s), organizers, and CSHL.

Journalists, science writers, and scientific editors are encouraged to attend CSHL meetings because they provide unparalleled opportunities for reporting on and keeping current with a wide variety of topics. Anyone intending to report on research presented at a CSHL meeting must obtain permission from the presenting author(s) before communicating results or relevant discussion to news media platforms, third party groups, message boards, blogs, or other online resources.

Reporters should approach scientists out-of-session (e.g., during coffee breaks, poster sessions, or wine and cheese receptions) for informal discussions, formal interviews, and/or to obtain permission to report on their work. Please be sure to identify yourself as a member of the media and distinguish whether comments will be on- or off-record. Any quotes or citations must have the express consent of the scientist and/or principal investigator of the research project. CSHL reserves the right to take appropriate action in the event that this policy is abused.

CSHL will waive registration fees for scientific writers and journal editors who 1) plan to file meeting reports and/or 2) are researching background information for future books or articles. Editors who wish to attend a meeting for other purposes (e.g., to network with potential manuscript authors) will be responsible for regular academic registration fees. Journalists and reporters from other media outlets should contact the conference coordinator directly for registration rates.

Social Media
In the spirit of open scientific communication, CSHL supports the use of social media during meetings. However, we do so while simultaneously supporting an individual presenter’s preference to not allow his/her talk, poster, or unpublished results to be broadcast via social media. You must therefore obtain permission from an individual presenter before discussing his/her research via social media. (Note that some meetings have systems for obtaining permission en masse.) If you plan to use social media during a CSHL meeting, please use the designated hashtag and adhere to the official guidelines that are sent via email prior to the start of the meeting. If there is confusion about the role of social media at a meeting you attend, please ask the organizers, session chairs, or a Meetings & Courses staff member.

Advance Information
Full programs and abstracts are distributed electronically to registered participants approximately three business days prior to the start of a meeting, and printed copies are available upon arrival at CSHL. To encourage participants to stay at CSHL for the duration of a meeting and thus maximize scientific interactions, CSHL does not circulate program information far in advance. We ask that registered participants do not share the program or session schedules ahead of time on social media, as this encourages unregistered visitors at the meeting’s talks and sessions.

The quality, timeliness, and impact of CSHL meetings result in part from a great deal of thought and effort that go into selecting discussion topics, organizers, and speakers for each meeting. As a means of recognizing this effort, we would be grateful if all reports explicitly mention Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory as well as the name of the meeting that is being reported.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) requires all presenters at our scientific meetings to clearly disclose any financial holdings, funding sources, or affiliations that may raise questions of bias or could be perceived to have potentially influenced presentation content. All presenters should make a good faith effort to identify and disclose any and all conflict of interest (COI) issues. Speakers should acknowledge any and all potential COIs on an introductory slide at the start of their talk. Poster presenters should clearly list any and all potential COIs on their poster(s).


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s Meetings & Courses Program is committed to diversity in the recruitment, selection, invitation, and full participation of all who attend our meetings and courses. This helps ensure the scientific discussions at CSHL events are lively, productive, and representative of many different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences. It is also one small way to help rectify biases that have historically been incorporated into many scientific systems and structures.

To achieve this goal, we 1) conduct concerted outreach and networking activities in partnership with meeting organizers, 2) have policies in place that emphasize both diversity and scientific merit in speaker and abstract selection, and 3) foster a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all meeting participants. The activities described below are done in close consultation with CSHL’s Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. The Code of Conduct for CSHL meetings is included in this webpage and distributed to all participants prior to their arrival in Cold Spring Harbor.

We work with meeting organizers to assemble slates of speakers, both invited and selected from abstract submissions, that are diverse across many dimensions such as gender, institution, geographic region, and race/ethnicity. In particular, our meeting programs aim to feature excellent science from women, sexual and gender minorities, persons with disabilities, and researchers from U.S. racial/ethnic groups that are currently underrepresented in the biological sciences (Hispanic/Latinx, Black/African American, American Indian/Native American/Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander).

Women in Science
The representation of women in biological and biomedical research decreases in advanced academic ranks and at the most senior, influential positions of academic leadership. At the graduate student level women now comprise more than half of all PhDs awarded, but they are still only 25-30% of full professors and senior leaders (see the National Center for Science & Engineering Statistics biennial reports on Diversity and STEM). Our policies aim to increase the percentage of women in visible leadership roles at CSHL meetings including organizers, session chairs, discussion leaders, keynotes, and invited speakers. In particular, meeting organizers are encouraged to strive for parity in gender when assembling slates of these meeting leaders.

Family Accommodations
CSHL has a number of inclusive policies in place when it comes to meeting participants who have young children. A private, dedicated lactation room for nursing parents is available with video access to meeting talks. We aim to house participants who bring family members or caregivers to Cold Spring Harbor in off-campus hotels that have more space than typical on-campus housing, and we offer complimentary shuttle service to and from CSHL. We maintain a list of local childcare facilities and a roster of trusted childminders with whom parents may arrange babysitting services directly. Financial aid requests submitted as part of the registration process can also include funding needed to help offset caregiving costs during the meeting (travel for a family member or guest, childcare or babysitting costs, etc.). Click the Info link above for full details.

Scientists from Developing Countries
CSHL encourages attendance and active participation in its meetings by scientists from the developing world. We actively seek partnerships with funding organizations to help offset travel and registration costs for scientists from these countries. The individual meeting webpages as well as the Sponsors webpage describe all sources of financial support that are available.

U.S. Racial/Ethnic Groups Underrepresented in Science
Despite comprising more than one-third of the U.S. population, Black and Indigenous groups in the U.S. are still vastly underrepresented in the biological and biomedical research workforce: As of 2021, these groups collectively comprised just 17% of biological/biomedical PhD students and 7% of biological/biomedical faculty in U.S. institutions (see the National Center for Science & Engineering Statistics biennial reports on Diversity and STEM. The Meetings & Courses Program works closely with other divisions and programs within CSHL to support career pathways for students from racial/ethnic minority groups, including: the DNA Learning Center, the STARS Program, the Partners for the Future program, CSHL’s longstanding summer Undergraduate Research Program, the NIH-funded Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program, and CSHL’s School of Biological Sciences PhD program. In addition, we actively seek funding to facilitate the full participation of scientists from racial/ethnic minority groups in CSHL meetings. Individual meeting webpages as well as the Sponsors webpage describe all sources of financial support available.

Scientists with Disabilities
CSHL strives to ensure that the campus and its facilities are meaningfully accessible to scientists with disabilities. We provide those with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from our educational programs via accessible spaces and individual accommodations. Preferred housing for people with disabilities or limited mobility is available, as are transportation services and accommodations for assistants or companions of limited-mobility participants. Please contact the Meetings & Courses Program office by email at for comprehensive accessibility information that is not provided in meeting registration forms.

We welcome feedback and suggestions on how to further improve efforts for effectively recruiting students and scientists from diverse groups and encouraging their participation in our educational programs. Please email any comments or suggestions to Dr. David J. Stewart, Executive Director of the Meetings & Courses Program.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is dedicated to pursuing its twin missions of research and education in the biological sciences. The Laboratory is committed to fostering a working environment that encourages and supports unfettered scientific inquiry and the free and open exchange of ideas that are the hallmarks of academic freedom. To this end, the Laboratory aims to maintain a safe and respectful environment that is free from harassment and discrimination for all attendees of our meetings and courses as well as associated support staff, in accordance with federal, state and local laws.

Consistent with the Laboratory's missions, commitments and policies, the purpose of this Code is to set forth expectations for the professional conduct of all individuals participating in the Laboratory's meetings program, both in person and virtually, including organizers, session chairs, invited speakers, presenters, attendees and sponsors. This Code’s prohibition against discrimination and harassment is consistent with the Laboratory’s internal policies governing conduct by its own faculty, trainees, students and employees.

By registering for and attending a CSHL meeting, either in person or virtually, participants agree to:

  1. Treat fellow meeting participants and CSHL staff with respect, civility and fairness, without bias based on sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, color, religion, nationality or national origin, citizenship status, disability status, veteran status, marital or partnership status, age, genetic information, or any other criteria prohibited under applicable federal, state or local law.

  2. Use all CSHL facilities, equipment, computers, supplies and resources responsibly and appropriately if attending in person, as you would at your home institution.

  3. Abide by the CSHL Meeting Alcohol Policy if attending in person (see below).

Similarly, meeting participants agree to refrain from:

  1. Harassment and discrimination, either in person or online, in violation of Laboratory policy based on actual or perceived sex, pregnancy status, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, color, religion, creed, nationality or national origin, immigration or citizenship status, mental or physical disability status, veteran status, military status, marital or partnership status, familial status, caregiver status, age, genetic information, status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking, sexual reproductive health decisions, or any other criteria prohibited under applicable federal, state or local law.

  2. Sexual harassment or misconduct.

  3. Disrespectful, uncivil and/or unprofessional interpersonal behavior, either in person or online, that interferes with the working and learning environment.

  4. Misappropriation of Laboratory property or excessive personal use of resources, if attending in person.

Breaches or Violations of the Code of Conduct
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory aims to maintain in-person and virtual conference environments that accord with the principles and expectations outlined in this Code of Conduct. Meeting organizers are tasked with providing leadership during each meeting, and may be approached informally about any breach or violation. Breaches or violations should also be reported to program leadership in person or by email:

  • Dr. David Stewart, Grace Auditorium Room 204, 516-367-8801 or x8801 from a campus phone,
  • Dr. Charla Lambert, Nichols Building Room 109, 516-367-5058 or x5058 from a campus phone,

Reports can be submitted by those who experience harassment or discrimination as well as by those who witness violations of the behavior laid out in this Code. Reports may also be submitted online via this form; all fields in the form are optional to allow for anonymous reporting. The Laboratory will take action as needed to resolve the matter, up to and including immediate expulsion of the offending participant(s) from the meeting, dismissal from the Laboratory, exclusion from future academic events offered by CSHL, and contacting the offending participants' home institutions.

For meetings and courses funded by NIH awards: Participants who experience, witness, or are otherwise knowledgeable of harassment or discrimination at meetings or courses funded by NIH awards may contact the Health & Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR). See this page for information on filing a civil rights complaint with the OCR. Filing a complaint with CSHL is not required before filing a complaint with OCR, and seeking assistance from CSHL in no way prohibits filing complaints with OCR. You can also notify NIH directly about sexual harassment, discrimination, and other forms of inappropriate conduct at NIH-supported events via this page, by email to, or by calling (301) 480-6701.

For meetings and courses funded by NSF awards: Participants who experience, witness, or are otherwise knowledgeable of harassment, discrimination or other forms of inappropriate conduct at meetings or courses funded by NSF awards may notify NSF by contacting the Office of Equity and Civil Rights (OECR) via email at, or calling (703) 292-8020.  See this page for further information on how to file a complaint with the NSF. Filing a complaint with CSHL is not required before filing a complaint with NSF, and seeking assistance from CSHL in no way prohibits filing complaints with NSF. 

Law Enforcement Reporting
For on-campus incidents, reports to law enforcement can be made to the CSHL Security Department at 516-367-5555 (x5555 from a campus phone).  For off-campus incidents, reports should be made to the local department where the incident occurred.  In an emergency, please dial 911 for assistance.

Definitions and Examples

Uncivil/disrespectful behavior is not limited to but may take the following forms: Shouting, personal attacks or insults, throwing objects, and sustained disruption of talks or other meeting-related events.

Harassment is any unwelcome verbal, visual, written, or physical conduct that occurs with the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment.  Harassment is not limited to but may take the following forms:

  • Threatening, stalking, bullying, demeaning, coercive, or hostile acts that may have real or implied threats of physical, professional, or financial harm.
  • Signs, graphics, photographs, videos, gestures, jokes, pranks, epithets, slurs, or stereotypes that comment on a person’s sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, color, religion, nationality or national origin, citizenship status, disability status, veteran status, marital or partnership status, age, genetic information, or physical appearance.

Sexual harassment includes harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, self-identified or perceived sex, gender expression, gender identity, and the status of being transgender. Sexual harassment is not limited to sexual contact, touching, or expressions of a sexually suggestive nature. Sexual harassment includes all forms of gender discrimination including gender role stereotyping and treating people differently because of their gender.

Sexual misconduct is not limited to but may take the following forms:

  • Unwelcome and uninvited attention, physical contact, or inappropriate touching.
  • Groping or sexual assault.
  • Use of sexual imagery, objects, gestures, or jokes in public spaces or presentations.
  • Any other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature when such conduct creates a hostile environment, prevents an individual from fulfilling their professional responsibilities at the meeting, or is made a condition of employment or compensation either implicitly or explicitly.


Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted in CSHL's public areas other than at designated social events (wine and cheese reception, picnic, banquet, etc.), in the Blackford Bar, or under the supervision of a licensed CSHL bartender.

No provision of alcohol by meeting sponsors is permitted unless arranged through CSHL.

Meeting participants consuming alcohol are expected to drink only in moderation at all times during the meeting.

Excessive promotion of a drinking culture at any meeting is not acceptable or tolerated by the Laboratory.  No meeting participant should feel pressured or obliged to consume alcohol at any meeting-related event or activity.


Use of the beach is restricted to CSHL staff and guests. Groups of 10 or more must have approval from CSHL Security (x8870 from a campus phone).

The beach and picnic area are closed from midnight to 6 a.m.

Open fires are prohibited by New York State law.

Contact CSHL Security for use of kayaks and sailboats (x8870 from a campus phone).

Swim at your own risk.


By participating in a Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting, you grant CSHL and its photographer(s) the freedom to photograph you while on CSHL property during the meeting, and to use those photos in CSHL publications, websites, social media accounts, and/or other materials.

Personal use of CSHL photographs, obtained through official CSHL meeting galleries or social media accounts, is allowed with proper attribution. Commercial use or repurposing of CSHL photographs and media is not allowed without permission; inquire via email.