Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression
March 15 - 19, 2016
Abstract Deadline: January 8, 2016


Barak Cohen, Washington University, St. Louis
Christina Leslie, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
John Stamatoyannopoulos, University of Washington
Sarah Teichmann, WT Sanger Institute & EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, UK

The eleventh Cold Spring Harbor conference on Systems Biology: Global Regulation of Gene Expression will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and begin at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, March 15 and run through lunch on Saturday, March 19, 2016. The conference is intended to foster cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and expertise between experimentalists and computational biologists interested in the organization and control of complex transcription networks in eukaryotes. While a number of speakers have been invited, please note that the majority of oral presentations will be drawn from openly submitted abstracts.

Keynote Speakers:

Wendy Bickmore, University of Edinburgh
John Lis, Cornell University

Topics & Discussion Leaders:

cis-Regulatory Logic
Nadav Ahituv,
University of California, San Francisco
Bas van Steensel, Netherlands Cancer Institute

Chromatin Biology and 3D Architecture of the Nucleus
Asifa Akhtar,
Max Planck Institute, Germany
Joanna Wysocka, Stanford University

Cellular Decision Making
Aviv Regev,
Broad Institute
Rob Mitra, Washington University, St. Louis

Evolution and Variation
Yoav Gilad,
University of Chicago
Barbara Engelhardt, Princeton University

Transcription Factors
Raluca Gordan,
Duke University
Dirk Schubeler, Friedrich Meischer Institute, Germany

RNA and its Regulation
Sean Eddy,
Harvard University
Julie Ahringer, Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research, UK Gurdon Institute

Emerging Technologies
William Greenleaf,
Stanford University
Steve McCaroll, Harvard University

Networks, Global Analysis and Computational Models
Shirley Liu,
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Dana Pe'er, Columbia University

Abstracts should contain only new and unpublished material and must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers and individual session chairs. Status (talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.

We look forward to seeing you at Cold Spring Harbor in March.

We anticipate that this conference will be supported in part by funds provided by the National Institutes of Health.


Academic Package $1,425
Graduate/PhD Student Package $1,185
Corporate Package $1,835
Academic/Student No-Housing Package $965
Corporate No-Housing Package $1,230

Regular packages are all inclusive and cover registration, food, housing, parking, wine-and-cheese party, lobster banquet, etc. No Housing packages include all costs except housing. Full payment is due 4 weeks prior to the meeting.

We have funds to provide partial scholarships for individuals who are US citizens/permanent residents from minority groups under-represented in the life sciences. Please provide justification in writing to and state your financial needs. Preference will be given to those applying who submit abstracts to the meeting. Send email requests to Maureen Morrow

For individuals who are US citizens/permanent residents from minority groups under-represented in the life sciences. Please provide justification in writing to and state your financial needs. Preference will be given to those applying who submit abstracts to the meeting.