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Mechanisms of Metabolic Signaling
May 16 - 20, 2023
Abstract Deadline: March 13, 2023


Bart Deplancke, EPFL, Switzerland
Jared Rutter, University of Utah/HHMI
Kathryn Wellen, University of Pennsylvania

We are pleased to announce the sixth Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Mechanisms of Metabolic Signaling & Disease which will begin on Tuesday evening, May 16, and end on with a banquet on Friday evening and departures on Saturday morning.

Metabolic signaling is at the intersection of many scientific fields, ranging from basic biochemistry and molecular biology to physiology and pathophysiology. Currently, a major challenge for these disparate fields is to define commonalities and differences in the function and regulation of metabolism, and determine the role of metabolic signals in normal physiology as well as disease states. This meeting will fill an important gap by bringing together outstanding researchers with a common goal of understanding the role and regulation of metabolic signals in a diverse array of pathways, cell types, and diseases.

  • Emerging Technologies and Metabolism
  • Organellar Metabolism Metabolic Crosstalk with Epigenome/Genome
  • Metabolism and Proliferation
  • Nutrient Utilization
  • Interorgan Metabolic Crosstalk
  • Metabolism in Specialized Cell Types
  • Metabolic Signaling
Keynote Speakers:

Susan Kaech, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Mitchell Lazar, University of  Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine

Discussion Leaders:

Emily Balskus, Harvard University
Liron Bar-Peled, MGH/Harvard Medical School
Jeremy Baskin, Cornell University/Weill Institute for Cell & Molecular Biology
Edward Chouchani, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Giovanni D'Angelo, Ecole Spéciale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Ralph DeBerardinis, UT Southwestern Children's Medical Center
Russell Debose-Boyd, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Gina DeNicola, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Andrew Dillin, University of California, Berkeley
Jennifer Estall, IRCM, Canada
Marcia Haigis, Harvard Medical School
Russell Jones, Van Andel Institute
Sheng-Cai Lin, Xiamen University, China
Susanne Mandrup, University of Southern Denmark
Brendan Manning, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Jane Mellor, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Deborah Muoio, Duke University School of Medicine
Rushika Perera, University of California, San Francisco
Joshua Rabinowitz, Princeton University
Carlos Ribeiro, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Portugal
Evan Rosen, Broad Institute
Anu Suomalainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Claudio Villanueva, University of California, Los Angeles
Roberto Zoncu, University of California Berkeley

The format of the meeting will include eight oral sessions and two poster sessions. Each oral session will include invited speakers and speakers selected from submitted abstracts. For this reason, abstracts from both junior and senior investigators are warmly invited. The abstracts should focus on new and unpublished data. The organizers will select abstracts for oral or poster presentations.

We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend, and we have applied for funds from government and industry to partially support graduate students and postdocs. All questions pertaining to registration, fees, housing, meals, transportation, visas, abstract submission, financial aid, or any other matters should be directed to Val Pakaluk.

Social Media:

The designated hashtag for this meeting is #cshlmetab. Note that you must obtain permission from an individual presenter before live-tweeting or discussing his/her talk, poster, or research results on social media. Click the Policies tab above to see our full Confidentiality & Reporting Policy.

This conference is supported in part by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, a branch of the National Institutes of Health


In-Person Fees:
Academic/Media Private Room/Private Bath Package: $1705
Academic/Media Private Room/Shared Bath Package: $1600
Academic Shared Room Package: $1455
Academic/Media No-Housing Package: $1085
Student Package/Double Occupancy: $1355
Student Package/No Housing Package: $985
Corporate Private Room/Private Bath Package: $2180
Corporate No-Housing Package: $1560

*Student Housing is default double occupancy. Please inquire about availability and fees to upgrade to a private room.

NOTE: We cannot guarantee housing will be on campus.
Room packages close 2 weeks before the meeting start date

Virtual Participation: Includes access to the oral sessions via Zoom, the digital poster gallery, the Slack discussion workspace, and the Leading Strand video archive.  If you are submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation, please plan to attend the meeting in-person.

Presenters: Individuals submitting abstracts and facing financial barriers should firstly request financial aid (see above). Permission to present your talk or poster virtually will be given only in exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis. If you think you are eligible for an exemption from the requirement to present in person, please provide a justification in writing via email to Samantha Mastronardi.

Non-presenting participants: We plan to broaden access to the conference by allowing certain categories of non-presenting participants to attend virtually at reduced fees. Categories include: 
1. Individuals from low & middle income countries; 
2. Individuals from non-LMIC countries in Asia, Australasia, Africa or South America; 
3. Individuals from US & Canadian minority serving institutions; 
4. Individuals with a demonstrable financial barrier; 
5. Individuals with family obligations or other special circumstances. 
For categories 4 & 5 above, please provide a justification via email to Val Pakaluk

Virtual Fees
Academic Virtual Package $325
Grad Student Virtual Package: $200
Corporate Virtual Package: $480

Late Fee (Registrations submitted after 5:00 p.m. ET on May 11)
Late Academic Virtual Package: $425
Late Student Virtual Package: $300
Late Corporate Virtual Package: $580