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Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics
March 5 - 8, 2025
Abstract Deadline: January 24, 2025


Sara Mathieson, Haverford College
Daniel Schrider, University of North Carolina
Adam Siepel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

We are pleased to announce the fifth Cold Spring Harbor conference on Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics (part of the international series now meeting for the eighth time) which will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York. The meeting will begin with dinner and an evening session on Wednesday, March 5, and conclude with lunch on Saturday, March 8, 2025.  Additionally, an optional one-day, pre-meeting workshop will be held Wednesday March 5, beginning at 9:00 am. The one day workshop is focused on the intersection of machine learning and population genetics and phylogeny. The workshop will include introductory lectures about machine learning fundamentals, the data types and summary statistics used population genetics and phylogeny as well as hands-on session(s) to learn about simulating data and detecting different types of selection (e.g. selective sweeps and balancing selection).   

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please register to arrive Tuesday evening, March 4.  Contact 
Kelley McGrath with any questions.

Keynote Speakers:

Alexis Battle, Johns Hopkins University
Rasmus Nielsen, University of California, Berkeley

Topics & Chairs:

Population and Statistical Genomics
Nandita Garud
, University of California, Los Angeles
Peter Ralph, University of Oregon

Machine Learning in Genomics
Michael DeGiorgio, Florida Atlantic University
Olga Troyanskaya, Princeton University

Demographic Inference
Diego Ortega‐Del Vecchyo
, International Laboratory for Human Genome Research (LIIGH), Mexico
Priya Moorjani, University of California, Berkeley

Quantitative Genetics and Association Mapping
Jeremy Berg
, University of Chicago
Nancy Cox, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Systems Biology 
David Knowles, New York Genome Center

Dana Pe’er, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center 

Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Dynamics
Megan Smith
, Mississippi State University
Jaehee Kim, Cornell University

Abstracts are welcome for consideration as poster and platform presentations and should contain new and unpublished material. Status of abstracts (talk versus poster) will be posted on our Web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.

We are eager to have as many young scientists as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. We will be applying for funds from government and industry to partially support graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Please apply in writing to Kelley McGrath stating your need for financial support. Preference will be given to those submitting abstracts.

We look forward to seeing you at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in March.

Social Media:

The designated hashtag for this meeting is #probgen25. Note that you must obtain permission from an individual presenter before live-tweeting or discussing his/her talk, poster, or research results on social media. Click the Policies tab above to see our full Confidentiality & Reporting Policy.

Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by Grant R13HG014706 from the National Human Genome Research Institute 

In-Person Fees:
Academic/Media Private Room/Private Bath Package: $1505
Academic/Media Private Room/Shared Bath Package: $1415
Academic Shared Room Package: $1300
Academic/Media No-Housing Package: $990
Student Package/Double Occupancy: $1195
Student Package/No Housing Package: $885
Corporate Private Room/Private Bath Package: $1935
Corporate No-Housing Package: $1420
*Student Housing is default double occupancy. Please inquire about availability and fees to upgrade to a private room.
NOTE: We cannot guarantee housing will be on campus

Optional one-day workshop: $250 for early arrival (please use 03/04/2025 as your check-in date).  

Room package reservations close 2 weeks before the meeting start date

Virtual Participation: Includes access to the oral sessions via Zoom, the digital poster gallery, the Slack discussion workspace, and the Leading Strand video archive.  If you are submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation, please plan to attend the meeting in-person.

Presenters: Individuals submitting abstracts and facing financial barriers should firstly request financial aid (see above). Permission to present your talk or poster virtually will be given only in exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis. If you think you are eligible for an exemption from the requirement to present in person, please provide a justification in writing via email to Kelley McGrath.

Non-presenting participants: We plan to broaden access to the conference by allowing certain categories of non-presenting participants to attend virtually at reduced fees. Categories include: 
1. Individuals from low & middle income countries; 
2. Individuals from non-LMIC countries in Asia, Australasia, Africa or South America; 
3. Individuals from US & Canadian minority serving institutions; 
4. Individuals with a demonstrable financial barrier; 
5. Individuals with family obligations or other special circumstances. 

Virtual Fees
Academic Virtual Package $315
Grad Student Virtual Package: $185
Corporate Virtual Package: $460

Late Fee (Registrations submitted after 5:00 p.m. ET on February 27)
Late Academic Virtual Package: $415
Late Student Virtual Package: $285
Late Corporate Virtual Package: $560

Regular packages are all-inclusive and cover registration, food, housing, parking, a wine-and-cheese party, cocktail reception, and lobster banquet. No-Housing packages include all costs except housing. Full payment is due four weeks prior to the meeting.