Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers
August 27 - 31, 2024
Abstract Deadline: June 7, 2024


Britt Adamson, Princeton University
Maria Jasin, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
David Liu, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT
Sam Sternberg, Columbia University

Jennifer Doudna, University of California, Berkeley/HHMI
Jonathan Weissman, Whitehead Institute and MIT/HHMI

You are cordially invited to participate in the tenth meeting on Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The meeting will begin at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, August 27, and end with the banquet on Friday, August 30, with departures on Saturday morning August 31.

The specific goal for this meeting is to foster fruitful and creative interactions between researchers interested in applying these systems to genome engineering and related advances in a wide variety of organisms, together with scientists studying the basic biology of CRISPR-Cas and related bacterial defense systems.

This meeting will consist of six oral sessions and two poster sessions: In addition to invited speakers, a number of speakers will be selected from submitted abstracts.


  • CRISPR Biology 
  • Technology I/II
  • Plants
  • DNA Repair
  • Cell Engineering
  • Therapeutics
Keynote Speaker:
Maria Jasin,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Confirmed Speakers:
Chase Beisel, 
Helmholtz Institute for RNA-Based Infection Research, Germany
Aude Bernheim, Institut Pasteur, France
Kathleen Collins, University of California, Berkeley
Jacob Corn,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Cecilia Cotta-Ramusino, Tessera Therapeutics
John Doench,
Broad Institute
Jennifer Doudna, University of California, Berkley
Jeremy Duffield, Prime Medicine
Justin Eyquem,
University of California, San Francisco
Caixia Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Patrick Hsu, University of California, Berkeley
Ben Kleinstiver, Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School
Donald Kohn,
University of California, Los Angeles
Zachary Lippman,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/HHMI
Troy Lister, Verve Therapeutics
Kira Makarova, National Center for Biotechnology Information/NIH
Kiran Musunuru, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
Thomas Norman, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
David Pellman,
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Rafael Pinilla Redondo, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Randall Platt,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Noam Stern-Ginossar, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Lorraine Symington,
Columbia University 

Abstracts should contain interesting and exciting material and must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentations will be made by the organizers and individual session chairs. The status (talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our website as soon as decisions have been made.

We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. We have applied for funds from government and industry to partially support graduate students and postdocs. Please apply in writing via email to Val Pakaluk and state your financial needs; preference will be given to those submitting abstracts.

Social Media:

The designated hashtag for this meeting is #cshlcrispr24. Note that you must obtain permission from an individual presenter before live-tweeting or discussing his/her talk, poster, or research results on social media. Click the Policies tab above to see our full Confidentiality & Reporting Policy.

This meeting is sponsored by:


Academic/Media Private Room/Private Bath Package: $1775 (Subject to availability.)
Academic/Media Private Room/Shared Bath Package: $1665
Academic Shared Room Package: $1515
Academic/Media No-Housing Package: $1130
Student Package*: $1410
Student No-Housing Package: $1025
Corporate Private Room/Private Bath Package: $2270
Corporate No-Housing Package: $1625

*Student Housing is default double occupancy. Please enquire about availability and fees to upgrade to a private room.

NOTE: We cannot guarantee housing will be on campus

Virtual Participation: Includes access to the oral sessions via Zoom, the digital poster gallery, the Slack discussion workspace, and the Leading Strand video archive.  If you are submitting an abstract for an oral or poster presentation, please plan to attend the meeting in-person.

Presenters: Individuals submitting abstracts and facing financial barriers should firstly request financial aid (see above). Permission to present your talk or poster virtually will be given only in exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis. If you think you are eligible for an exemption from the requirement to present in person, please provide a justification in writing via email to Val Pakaluk.

Non-presenting participants: We plan to broaden access to the conference by allowing certain categories of non-presenting participants to attend virtually at reduced fees. Categories include: 
1. Individuals from low & middle-income countries; 
2. Individuals from non-LMIC countries in Asia, Australasia, Africa or South America; 
3. Individuals from US & Canadian minority-serving institutions; 
4. Individuals with a demonstrable financial barrier; 
5. Individuals with family obligations or other special circumstances. 
For categories 4 & 5 above, please provide a justification via email to Val Pakaluk

Virtual Fees:
Academic Virtual Package: $340
Grad Student Virtual Package: $210

Corporate Virtual Package: $505

Late Fee (Registrations submitted after 5:00 p.m. ET on August 22, 2024)

Late Academic Virtual Package: $440
Late Student Virtual Package: $310
Late Corporate Virtual Package: $605