Advanced Bacterial Genetics
June 5 - 25, 2018
Application Deadline: March 15, 2018
Lionello Bossi, Institute of Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), France
Andrew Camilli, Tufts University Medical School
Angelika Grundling, Imperial College London, UK
See the roll of honor - who's taken the course in the past
The Advanced Bacterial Genetics course presents logic and methods used in the genetic dissection of complex biological processes in diverse bacteria. Laboratory methods include: classical and cutting-edge mutagenesis using transposons, allelic exchange, and TargeTron; recombineering with single and double stranded DNA; CRISPR/Cas genome editing; genome sequencing and assembly; mapping mutations using genetic and physical techniques; modern approaches to the generation and analysis of targeted gene disruptions and reporter gene fusions; fluorescence microscopy. Key components of the course will be the use of sophisticated genetic methods in the analysis of model bacteria (including Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, and Vibrio cholerae), and the use of the wealth of new genomic sequence information to motivate these methods.
Invited lecturers will present various genetic approaches to study bacterial mechanisms of metabolism, development, and pathogenesis.
Speakers in 2018 include:
Rasika Harshey, University of Texas Austin
Sylvain Moineau, Université Laval, Québec
Tim Van Opijnen, Boston College
Thomas Bernhardt, Harvard Medical School
Christoph Tang, Oxford University, United Kingdom
Jan Witkowski, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Aimee Shen, Tufts University
Patrick Viollier, University of Geneva Medical School, Switzerland
The course admits 16 students, both foreign and US residents, from diverse backgrounds and career levels for intensive (but fun) instruction in microbial genetics.
For further academic information about the course, feel free to contact the instructors.
Support & Stipends
Major support provided by the National Science Foundation
Stipends are available to offset tuition costs as follows:
US applicants (National Science Foundation)
Interdisciplinary Fellowships (transitioning from outside biology) & Scholarships (transitioning from other biological disciplines) (Helmsley Charitable Trust)
International applicants (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)
Please indicate your eligibility for funding in your stipend request submitted when you apply to the course. Stipend requests do not affect selection decisions made by the instructors.
Cost (including board and lodging): $4895
No fees are due until you have completed the full application process and are accepted into the course. Students accepted into the course should plan to arrive by early evening on June 4 and plan to depart after lunch on June 25
Before applying, ensure you have 1) Personal statement/essay; 2) Letter(s) of recommendation; 3) Curriculum vitae/resume (optional); 4) Financial aid request (optional). More details
If you are not ready to fully apply but wish to express interest in applying, receive a reminder two weeks prior to the deadline, and tell us about your financial aid requirements, click below: