84th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium on Quantitative Biology
RNA Control & Regulation
May 29 - June 3, 2019
Poster Abstract Deadline: March 8, 2019


Terri Grodzicker, David Stewart & Bruce Stillman
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

We are pleased to host the 84th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium which will focus on RNA Control & Regulation. Previous Cold Spring Harbor Symposia have addressed many different aspects of RNA biology, most recently the Symposia on Mechanisms of Transcription (1998), The Ribosome (2001), Epigenetics (2004) and Regulatory RNAs (2006).

The Symposium will begin at 7:30 pm on Wednesday May 29th, and end on Sunday evening, with normal departures on Monday June 3rd. The Symposium will include nine oral sessions (invited speakers only) and two poster sessions providing a current synthesis of the enormous progress in our understanding of the way RNA controls and regulates processes in the cell and organism, and how these mechanisms when aberrant may contribute to the progression of disease. The annual Dorcas Cummings lecture will take place on Saturday, June 1st. Social events throughout the Symposium provide ample opportunity for informal interactions and will include a wine-and-cheese party, a beach picnic, cocktails and banquet, and departure brunch on Monday June 3rd.

  • RNA-Based Structures
  • RNA Modifications
  • Nuclear Localization of RNA
  • Quality Control & Editing
  • RNA & Gene Regulation
  • Cotranscriptional Splicing
  • Intron/Exon Boundaries
  • Alternative Polyadenylation
  • Transposon Control
  • Small Noncoding RNAs
  • Long Noncoding RNAs
  • RNA & Development
  • Membrane-Less Organelles
  • Phase Separation
  • RNA-Based Diseases
  • Novel RNA functions
Invited Speakers:

Omar Abdel-Wahab, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Karen Adelman, Harvard Medical School
Andres Aguilera, University of Seville Spain
Asifa Akhtar, MPI of Immunobiology & Epigenetics, Germany
David Bartel, Whitehead Institute/MIT/HHMI
Brenda Bass, University of Utah
Robert Bradley, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Julius Brennecke, IMBA Institute of Molecular Biotechnology GmbH, Austria 
Neil Brockdorff, University of Oxford, UK
Howard Chang, Stanford University School of Medicine
Lingling Chen, CAS, Shanghai Institute for Biochemistry & Cell Biology, China
Elena Conti, Max-Planck Institute for Bichemistry, Germany
James Darnell, The Rockefeller University
Robert Darnell, The Rockefeller University/HHMI/New York Genome Center
Caroline Dean, John Innes Centre, UK 
Jennifer Doudna, University of California, Berkeley / HHMI
Gideon Dreyfuss, HHMI/University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Xiang-Dong Fu, University of California, San Diego
Susan Gasser, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland
Amy Gladfelter, University of North Carolina
Shiv Grewal, National Institutes of Health
Chuan He, The University of Chicago
Tetsuro Hirose, Hokkaido University, Japan 
Samie Jaffrey, Weill Cornell Medical College
Leemor Joshua-Tor, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Alberto Kornblihtt, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Adrian Krainer, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Jeannie Lee, Massachusetts General Hospital
Ruth Lehmann, New York University School of Medicine
Kristen Lynch, University of Pennsylvania
James Manley, Columbia University
Lynne Maquat, University of Rochester Medical Center
Robert Martienssen, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/HHMI
Christine Mayr, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Steven McKnight, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Joshua Mendell, UT Southwestern and HHMI
Kiyoshi Nagai, MRC, UK 
Geeta Narlikar, University of California, San Francisco 
Karla Neugebauer, Yale University
Roy Parker, University of Colorado, Boulder / HHMI
Lori Passmore, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, UK 
Craig Pikaard, HHMI/Indiana University
Nicholas Proudfoot, University of Oxford, UK
Oliver Rando, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Geraldine Seydoux, HHMI, Johns Hopkins University SOM
Phillip Sharp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert Singer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
David Spector, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Joan Steitz, Yale University/HHMI
Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, Helmholtz Centre Munich, Germany
Igor Ulitsky, Weizmann Institute Israel
Kevin Weeks, University of North Carolina
Jeremy Wilusz, University of Pennsylvania
Joanna Wysocka, Stanford University
Feng Zhang, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard  

CSHL's Corporate Sponsor Program provides additional limited support for students and postdocs in need of financial support. Please apply in writing via email to Val Pakaluk and state your financial needs. Preference will be given to those who submit abstracts.

Social Media:

The designated hashtag for this meeting is #cshlsymp19. Note that you must obtain permission from an individual presenter before live-tweeting or discussing his/her talk, poster, or research results on social media. Click the Policies tab above to see our full Confidentiality & Reporting Policy.

Meeting Sponsored by:




Academic Package: $1665
Graduate/PhD Student Package: $1405
Corporate Package: $2130
Academic/Student: No-Housing Package $1110
Corporate No-Housing Package: $1440

Regular packages are all-inclusive and cover registration, food, housing, parking, a wine-and-cheese reception, and lobster banquet. No-Housing packages include all costs except housing. Full payment is due four weeks prior to the meeting.