Regulatory & Non-Coding RNAs
August 23 - 27, 2016
Abstract Deadline: June 27, 2016


Victor Ambros, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Elisa Izaurralde, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Germany
Nicholas Proudfoot, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

You are cordially invited to participate in a new conference on Regulatory & Non-Coding RNAs to be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The opening session will begin at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, August 23 and the meeting will end after lunch on Saturday, August 27, 2016.

Session Chairs:
Asifa Akhtar, Max-Planck Institute of Immunology & Epigenetics, Germany
David Bartel,
Whitehead Institute/MIT/HHMI
Irene Bozzoni,
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy
Lin He
, University of California, Berkeley
Narry Kim, Seoul National University, South Korea
Joshua Mendell
, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Eric Miska, University of Cambridge, The Gordon Institute, UK
Danesh Moazed, Harvard Medical School, HHMI
Mikiko Siomi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Michael Terns, University of Georgia
Yuki Tomari, University of Tokyo, Japan

Biological Function of miRNAs
Mechanisms of miRNA-mediated Gene Silencing
siRNAs and piRNAs
Non-coding RNAs in Prokaryotes
Silencing Pathways in Plants
Transcriptional Gene Silencing
Catalytic RNAs
Long Non-Coding RNAs

As currently planned, the program will have eight sessions devoted to oral presentations, together with two poster sessions for presentations which cannot be accommodated in the formal sessions. Selection of talks for the oral sessions will be made by the organizers in conjunction with the session chairpersons, from the submitted abstracts. For this reason, abstracts from accomplished junior and senior investigators are warmly invited. The status (talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site (below) as soon as decisions have been made. We have applied for funds from government and industry to partially support graduate students and postdocs.

We look forward to seeing you at Cold Spring Harbor in August.

We anticipate this conference is supported in part by funds provided by the Cold Spring Harbor Corporate Sponsor Program and by partial support provided by Arraystar Inc.


Academic Package $1,425
Graduate/PhD Student Package $1,185
Corporate Package $1,835
Academic/Student No-Housing Package $965
Corporate No-Housing Package $1,230

We have funds to provide partial scholarships for individuals who are US citizens/permanent residents from minority groups under-represented in the life sciences. Please provide justification in writing to Maureen Morrow and state your financial needs. Preference will be given to those applying who submit abstracts to the meeting.

All questions pertaining to registration, fees, housing, meals, transportation, visas, abstract submission or any other matters may be directed to Maureen Morrow