October 28 - October 31, 2015
Abstract Deadline: August 14, 2015

Janet Kelso, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany
Daniel MacArthur, Massachusetts General Hospital
Michael Schatz, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

The next Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory conference on Genome Informatics will be held at Cold Spring Harbor, New York (this meeting has alternated with Hinxton meeting started under the joint auspices of CSHL and the Wellcome Trust). The meeting will begin on at 7.30 pm on Wednesday, October 28, and finish with lunch on Saturday, October 31, 2015

The focus for this conference is large-scale genome informatics. Biology is an experimental science that is experiencing an explosion of new data. This requires biologists to increase the scale and sophistication in the information technology used for their research. The conference scope encompasses the management and the analysis of these data, such as whole genome comparisons within and among species and strains, the analysis of results from high throughput experiments to uncover cellular pathways and molecular interactions, and the design of effective algorithms to identify regulatory sequence motifs.

The conference brings together the leading scientists in this growing field, and we strongly encourage researchers from other large scale information handling disciplines to attend. The majority of oral presentations will be drawn from openly submitted abstracts.

Keynote Speakers:
Mark Gerstein, Yale University
Aviv Regev, Broad Insitute

Topics & Discussion Leaders:
Personal and Medical Genomics
Deanna Church, Personalis
Karyn Meltz Steinberg, Washington University School of Medicine

Transcriptomics, Alternative Splicing and Gene Predictions
Cole Trapnell, University of Washington
Alexis Battle, Johns Hopkins University

Epigenomics and Non-Coding Genome
Michael Hoffman, Princess Margaret Cancer Center, Canada
Melissa Gymrek, Whitehead Institute

Databases, Data Mining, Visualization, Ontologies and Curation
Jan Aerts, KU Leuven, Belgium
Suzanna Lewis,
University of California, Berkeley

Sequencing Pipelines and Assembly
Gerton Lunter, Wellcome Trust, UK
Aaron Quinlan, University of Utah

Comparative, Evolutionary, and Metagenomics
Adam Siepel, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Aoife McLysaght, Trinity College, Ireland

Abstracts should contain only new and unpublished material and must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers and individual session chairs. Status (talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.

We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. We have applied for funds from government and industry to partially support graduate students and postdocs. Apply in writing to Kate Bradley stating need for financial support - preference is given to those submitting abstracts.

We look forward to seeing you at Cold Spring Harbor in October.

This meeting is supported in part by funds provided by:

Academic Package $1,140
Graduate/PhD Student Package $955
Corporate Package $1,445
Academic/Student No-Housing Package $780
Corporate No-Housing Package $975

Regular packages are all inclusive and cover registration, food, housing, parking, wine-and-cheese party, lobster banquet, etc. No Housing packages include all costs except housing. Full payment is due 4 weeks prior to the meeting.