Protein Homeostasis in Health and Disease
April 17 - 21, 2018
Abstract Deadline: February 2, 2018


Judith Frydman, Stanford University
F. Ulrich Hartl,
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
Harm H. Kampinga, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Richard Morimoto, Northwestern University

Proper expression, folding, transport, and clearance of proteins are critical for cell function and organismal health. Chaperones and enzymes that post-translationally assist newly synthesized proteins help ensure that they are correctly folded and functional, or are degraded. Translocation machineries, proteasomes, and autophagic activities are critical for subcellular localization and for degradation as necessary. Stress and aging challenge the robustness of these chaperone and clearance networks leading to protein mismanagement, overload, and cellular dysfunction. In humans, this is associated with the accumulation and aggregation of misfolded and aggregation-prone proteins, a feature of numerous neurodegenerative, metabolic, and oncogenic diseases.

You are invited to participate in the 2018 meeting on Protein Homeostasis in Health & Disease. Groundbreaking work - on molecular chaperones, the unfolded protein response, stress responses, and how these processes are implicated in disease - has first been presented at this meeting over the past three decades. The 2018 meeting provides an opportunity to showcase the latest research in this area and will feature talks by leading investigators.

The meeting will begin after dinner at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17, and conclude with lunch on Saturday, April 21, 2018.

Session Chairs & Invited Speakers:

Proteostasis at the Ribosome
Chairperson: Judith Frydman, Stanford University
Bernd Bukau, University of Heidelberg
Elke Deuerling, Universität Konstanz

Chaperone Mechanisms I
Chairperson: Johannes Buchner, Technical University, Munich
Manajit Hayer-Hartl, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry-Martinsried
Rachel Klevit, University of Washington

Novel Mechanisms of Quality Control
Chairperson: Ursula Jakob, University of Michigan
Thomas Nystrom, University of Gothenburg

Degradative Mechanisms
Chairperson: Yoshinori Ohsumi, Tokyo University of Technology
Thomas Sommer, Max-Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine

Chaperone Mechanisms II
Chairperson: Ulrich Hartl, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry-Martinsreid
Lila Gierasch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Matthias Mayer, University of Heidelberg
Dan Southworth, University of California, San Francisco

Pathogenic and Non-Pathogenic Aggregates and Amyloids
Chairperson: Lila Gierasch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Chris Dobson, University of Cambridge
Margaret Sunde, The University of Sydney
David Eisenberg, University of California Los Angeles

Organellar Proteostasis and Spatial Quality Control
Chairperson: Ineke Braakman, Ultrecht University
Johnathan Weissman, University of California San Francisco
David Ron, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
Kaz Nagata, Kyoto Sangyo University

Proteostasis Failure in Aging and Disease
Chairperson: Rick Morimoto, Northwestern University
Jeff Kelly, The Scripps Research Institute
Len Neckers, NCI
Erich Wanker, Max Delbruck Centrum for Molecular Medicine

Panel Discussion - New Mechanisms for Disseminating Scientific Information
Chairperson: Lila Gierasch, University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Partial support provided by: Proteostasis Therapeutics.

The format of the meeting will include eight sessions consisting of invited and short talks, chosen from the submitted abstracts, and two poster sessions. All speakers and chairs are strongly encouraged to stay for the entire meeting. The organizers will decide the suitability of each abstract for oral or poster presentation, but please specify if you prefer a poster. Abstracts should contain only new and unpublished material and must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers and individual session chairs. Status (talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.

All questions pertaining to registration, fees, housing, meals, transportation, visas, abstract submission or any other matters may be directed to Catie Carr at

We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. We have applied for funds from government and industry to partially support graduate students and postdocs. Apply in writing to Catie Carr at stating need for financial support - preference is given to those submitting abstracts.


Academic Package: $1485
Graduate/PhD Student Package: $1235
Corporate Package: $1905
Academic/Student No-Housing Package: $1005
Corporate No-Housing Package: $1280

Regular packages are all-inclusive and cover registration, food, housing, parking, a wine-and-cheese party, cocktail reception, and lobster banquet. No-Housing packages include all costs except housing. Full payment is due four weeks prior to the meeting.