Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
The format of the meeting will include seven oral sessions consisting of invited and short talks, chosen from the submitted abstracts, and one poster session. All speakers and chairs are strongly encouraged to stay for the entire meeting. The organizers will decide the suitability of each abstract for oral or poster presentation, but please specify if you prefer a poster.
Abstracts should contain only new and unpublished material and must be submitted electronically by the abstract deadline. Selection of material for oral and poster presentation will be made by the organizers and individual session chairs. Status (talk/poster) of abstracts will be posted on our web site as soon as decisions have been made by the organizers.
We are eager to have as many young people as possible attend since they are likely to benefit most from this meeting. We have applied for funds from government and industry to partially support graduate students and postdocs. Apply in writing to Catie Carr at carr@cshl.edu stating need for financial support - preference is given to those submitting abstracts.
Social Media:
The designated hashtag for this meeting is #cshlaging. Note that you must obtain permission from an individual presenter before live-tweeting or discussing his/her talk, poster, or research results on social media. Click the Policies tab above to see our full Confidentiality & Reporting Policy.
This conference may supported in part by funds provided by: National Institute of Aging, The Glenn Foundation for Medical Research, Aging the Journal, Aging Cell and Calico Labs.
Workshop sponsored by:

Late Pricing: (registrations submitted after 4:01 p.m. EDT on September 17, 2020)
Late Virtual Academic Package: $385
Late Virtual Graduate Student Package: $275
Late Virtual Corporate Package: $525