Presenting Author |
Abstract Title |
Talk/Poster |
Adamson, Aaron |
Genomic analysis of germline and somatic variation in high-grade serous ovarian cancer |
poster |
Adkins, Ricky S |
LGTSeek—A robust distributable lateral gene transfer pipeline |
poster |
An, Lin |
Systematic annotation of regulatory elements in blood cell lineage |
poster |
Arora, Jatin |
In-depth characterization of a hallmark for balancing selection—HLA heterozygote advantage against HIV-1 |
poster |
Arumilli, Meharji |
Structural variation and genome evolution in domestic dog |
poster |
Asghari, Hossein |
Copy number and tumor purity estimation from targeted cell free DNA sequencing data |
poster |
Atwal, Gurnit |
Inferring originating cell type of cancer metastases using the spatial distribution of mutations |
poster |
Ballinger, Tracy J |
Modelling double strand break hotspots to interrogate structural variation in cancer |
poster |
Banuelos, Mario |
Genetic variants over generations—Sparsity-constrained optimization tools for structural variant detection |
poster |
Barreira, Sofia N |
Exploring the sequence composition, functional capacity, and regulatory role of large tandem repeats and their adjacent sequences in regeneration |
poster |
Bartholdy, Boris A |
Genetic admixture and differentiation states shape the human methylome in stem, progenitor and somatic cells |
poster |
Berninger, Philipp |
Yeast artificial chromosomes for biosynthetic pathway assembly |
poster |
Bik, Holly |
Linking molecules with morphology in the -Omics age—Computational taxonomy pipelines for microbial metazoan |
talk |
Bis, Dana M |
Rare variant burden analysis to decipher genetic architecture of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease |
poster |
Blankenberg, Daniel J |
Choosing the best of all worlds—à la carte access to extant and emergent best-practice metagenomic pipelines |
poster |
Bono, Hidemasa |
RefEx—A reference gene expression dataset as a web tool for the functional analysis of genes |
poster |
Brady, Arthur |
MetaTRANSiT—A comprehensive toolkit for metatranscriptomics and metagenomics analysis |
poster |
Cain, Scott |
Serverless JBrowse on the cheap |
poster |
Chapman, Lesley M |
Machine learning strategies to identify high confidence structural variants in human genome reference materials |
poster |
Chatterjee, Anirvan |
Previously undetected genomic signatures of giant viruses are ubiquitous in metagenomes |
poster |
Chen, Li |
Individual ancestry estimation from whole exome sequencing data in patient-derived xenograft samples |
poster |
Chen, Youdinghuan |
Profiling of somatic alterations in BRCA1-like breast tumors |
poster |
Chen, Zelin |
De novo assembly of goldfish using pacbio long reads |
poster |
Cheng, Jingfei |
H3K27 tri-methyltransferases CLF and SWN redundantly buffer ABA-induced senescence in Arabidopsis |
poster |
Chervitz, Steve |
Harnessing a gold standard data set for immuno-oncology |
poster |
Chesi, Alessandra |
An ultra-high resolution capture-C promoter ‘interactome’ implicates causal genes at SLE GWAS loci |
talk |
Chhatbar, Kashyap A |
Regulation of gene expression in response to DNA base composition |
poster |
Chintalapati, Manjusha |
A de novo assembly of the Neandertal genome provides insights into human structural variation. |
talk |
Choi, Eunji |
Integrative genomic analysis of 176 Korean liver cancer reveals distinctive molecular pattern |
poster |
Chougule, Kapeel M |
Genome annotation using the MAKER-P JetStream cloud |
poster |
Chung, Chi-Yeh |
Understanding mammary stem cell state regulation through chromatin accessibility |
poster |
Clarke, Laura |
The Human Cell Atlas data coordination platform |
poster |
Clarke, Laura |
Variation and assembly resources at EMBL-EBI |
talk |
Crouch, Kathryn M |
Mapping of R-loops in Trypanosoma brucei reveals conserved and novel functions |
poster |
Cumbo, Fabio |
GDCWebApp—Filtering, extracting, and converting genomic and clinical data from the Genomic Data Commons Portal |
poster |
Cummins, Carla |
Moving towards comparative analysis of hundreds of vertebrate genomes |
poster |
Dale, Ryan |
Streamlining the installation of thousands of bioinformatics software packages with Bioconda |
poster |
Darby, Charlotte |
Leveraging linked reads for single-sample somatic variant calling |
poster |
Day, Allen |
Mastering variant calling of SNPs and small indels with deep neural networks |
talk |
Day, Allen |
Streaming infection intervention using nanopores, deep learning, and cloud computing |
poster |
Deng, Niantao |
Comprehensive genomic landscape of most commonly used breast cancer cell lines and patient derived xenograft models |
poster |
Dierckxsens, Nicolas |
NOVOLoci—Targeted assembly and variance detection from whole genome data |
poster |
Dikow, Rebecca B |
A whole-genome phylogenetic hypothesis across the three domains of life |
talk |
Dolzhenko, Egor |
ExpansionHunter—A software tool to detect long repeat expansions from PCR-free whole-genome sequence data |
poster |
Domanska, Diana |
Hierarchical GSuite HyperBrowser—Analysis across multiple dimensions of epigenomic variation |
poster |
Dubarry, Marion |
Gmove—A tool for eukaryotic gene prediction using various evidence |
poster |
Duitama, Jorge |
NGSEP3—Accurate, efficient and user friendly production and analysis of genomic variation datasets through STR-aware integrated realignment |
poster |
Dumelie, Jason G |
Near-nucleotide mapping of R-loops shows that promoter-associated R-loops are bounded at first exon-intron junctions |
talk |
Erdos, Karoly |
Unifying data submission at EMBL-EBI—A user-focused approach |
poster |
Fertig, Elana J |
Integrated time-course omics analysis distinguishes immediate therapeutic response from acquired resistance |
poster |
Fong, Jerry |
DXM—An algorithm to deconvolve genomic DNA methylation data to understand epigenetic clonality |
poster |
Freed, Donald |
Improving CREST with the Sentieon Python API |
poster |
Gale Hammell, Molly |
Robust analysis of single cell transcriptomes using SAKE identifies markers of targeted inhibitor resistance in melanoma |
poster |
Garimella, Kiran V |
Graph-based discovery of complex de novo structural mutations in P. falciparum experimental crosses |
talk |
Gel Moreno, Bernat G |
Plot any data on any genome with karyoploteR |
poster |
Gerstein, Mark B. |
Passenger mutations in 2500 cancer genomes—Overall molecular functional impact and consequences |
talk |
Giordano, Francesca |
Sequence presence-absence detection in assembly pairwise comparison with scanPAV |
talk |
Gogate, Aishwarya |
Dynamic change of transcription pausing through modulating NELF protein stability regulates granulocytic differentiation |
poster |
Gonnella, Giorgio |
Random access to sequence graphs stored in large GFA files |
poster |
Gordon, David M |
Accelerating congenital heart defect variant analysis through big data |
poster |
Grote, Steffi |
ABAEnrichment and GOfuncR—Two R-packages for ontology enrichment analyses |
poster |
Guerra-Assuncao, Jose Afonso |
GenomeChronicler—The PGP-UK genomic report generator |
poster |
Gurran, Toby O |
Splice-QTLs in the context of predisposition to colorectal cancer |
poster |
Guturu, Harendra |
Improving community search on an identity-by-descent graph with millions of individuals |
poster |
Hait, Tom A |
Large-scale analysis of genome-wide enhancer and gene activity reveals a novel enhancer-promoter map |
talk |
Halldorsson, Gisli H |
Estimating RNA expression using personal genomes |
poster |
Hamilton, John |
The Sweetpotato Genomics Resource |
poster |
Hammond, Nathan A |
Creating pipelines that are repeatable, traceable, and shareable for clinical genomics and research |
poster |
Hansen, Nancy |
Precise detection and specification of structural variation in genomes |
poster |
Harris, Christopher C |
Roslin—A portable and reproducible workflow infrastructure for cancer genomic sequencing analysis |
poster |
Havrilla, James |
A map of highly constrained coding regions in the human genome |
poster |
Hefferon, Tim |
tmVar 2.0—Integrating information on genomic variants from biomedical literature with dbSNP and ClinVar |
talk |
Herrero, Javier |
Allele specific HLA loss is a pervasive mechanism of immune evasion and is permissive for non-small cell lung cancer evolution |
poster |
Hinrichs, Angie |
UCSC Variant Annotation Integrator command-line wrapper and HGVS variant nomenclature support |
poster |
Holley, Guillaume |
Highly parallel and memory efficient compacted de Bruijn graph construction |
poster |
Hunt, Toby J |
A manual annotation workflow integrating signals of protein-coding conservation together with next-generation sequencing to identify novel protein-coding and pseudogene loci |
poster |
Jiao, Yinping |
The complex sequence landscape of maize revealed by single-molecule technologies |
poster |
Johnson, Kevin |
Characterizing epigenetic intratumoral heterogeneity in glioma using single-cell reduced representation bisulfite sequencing |
poster |
Kahles, Andre |
Large scale genomics with scalable reference graphs |
talk |
Kaiser, Vera B |
Chromatin loop anchors are associated with genome instability in cancer and recombination hotspots in the germline |
talk |
Kanduri, Chakravarthi |
Co-localization analyses of genomic elements—Essential facets and potential pitfalls |
poster |
Karczewski, Konrad |
The spectrum of loss of function tolerance in the human genome |
talk |
Kelly, Ben |
Utilization of linked-read, whole genome, whole exome and transcriptome sequencing in the comprehensive molecular profiling of pediatric brain tumors |
talk |
Khalouei, Sam |
The Forge Bioinformatics Pipeline |
poster |
Khatamifard, S. Karen |
BioArch—A reconfigurable hardware accelerator designed for bioinformatics workloads |
talk |
Kim, April |
A general web platform for integrating experimental proteomics data and results from GWAS and exome sequencing projects |
poster |
Kim, Seok-Won |
Manually curated 16S rRNA database and associated seamless updating platform |
poster |
Kingsford, Carl |
Large-scale search of short-read sequencing experiments |
talk |
Kiran, Manjari |
Long-noncoding RNA based prognostic signature for gliomas |
poster |
Kitts, Paul |
Diploid genome assemblies at NCBI |
poster |
Kolora, Sree Rohit Raj |
The role of rearrangements in the divergent evolution of European green lizards |
poster |
Koren, Sergey |
Can Nanopore sequencing finally finish the human genome? |
talk |
Kothiyal, Prachi |
Analysis of Mendelian inheritance errors in deep sequenced whole genomes from 1314 trios identifies population-specific structural variants |
poster |
Kovaka, Sam C |
UNCALLED—An aligner for quickly mapping raw Nanopore signals to large references |
poster |
Kumar, Naveen |
Semantic annotation and knowledge extraction using iCLiKVAL |
poster |
Kumar, Vivek |
Integrating data, tools and knowledge to accelerate scientific discovery using open-source, biological, data-science platform of KBase |
poster |
Lariviere, Delphine M |
Hybrid assembly of small genomes in Galaxy |
poster |
Laverty, Kaitlin |
Learning variable gapped sequence-structure motifs for RNA-binding proteins |
poster |
Layer, Ryan M |
STIX—A scalable index for mining large whole-genome sequencing cohorts for reliable structural variant population allele frequency estimates |
talk |
Leal, Suzanne |
SEQSpark—An analysis tool for large scale sequence-based genetic epidemiological studies |
talk |
Lee, Jinyoung |
Discovery of medium and long-sized insertion variants with accurate break points and flanking sequences |
poster |
Li, Xiaotong |
Landscape of somatic mutations in inflammatory breast cancer whole-genome sequences |
poster |
Lihm, Jayon |
Meta-analysis of chromatin accessibility to determine meaningful variation |
talk |
Lin, Kuan-Ting |
A human-specific switch of alternatively spliced AFMID isoforms contributes to TP53 mutations and tumor recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma |
poster |
Lin, Xiaoxuan |
Evidences for the role of ZBTB33 (Kaiso) in heterochromatin priming |
poster |
Ling, Jonathan |
Novel exon discovery in cellular differentiation and human disease by utilizing the Snaptron framework |
poster |
Liu, Zhi |
Investigating the association between polygenic risk score and coronary artery calcification |
poster |
Lloyd-Price, Jason |
Strains, functions, and dynamics in the expanded Human Microbiome Project |
talk |
Lochovsky, Lucas |
Efficient detection of highly mutated regions with Mutations Overburdening Annotations Tool (MOAT) |
poster |
Lu, Zhenyuan |
SciApps—A cloud-based platform for reproducible bioinformatics workflows |
poster |
Ma, Cong |
SQUID—Transcriptomic structural variation detection from RNA-seq |
talk |
Mahurkar, Anup A |
Human Microbiome Project (HMP) Data Resource—A web portal for exploring and accessing HMP data, analysis products, and tools |
poster |
Marcais, Guillaume F |
MUMmer4—A fast and versatile genome alignment system |
poster |
Martinez Barrio, Alvaro |
Resolving the full spectrum of human genetic variation using Linked-Reads |
poster |
Martinez Cuesta, Sergio |
Exploring the chemistry and biology of nucleotide modifications in mammals, parasites and disease |
poster |
McCarter, Calvin B |
An efficient algorithm for learning a gene network underlying clinical phenotypes under SNP perturbations |
poster |
McCarthy, Shane A |
Scaling up reference quality assembly of vertebrate genomes |
poster |
McCracken, Carrie L |
Pipeline for SNP discovery in RNA sequences |
poster |
McGee, Warren A |
Sleuth-ALR—Improving estimation of *Seq differential analysis using compositional data analysis with Sleuth |
poster |
McLain, Adam T |
The evolution of lifespan and the epigenome assessed by CpG frequency in conserved primate and vertebrate promoters |
talk |
Mclaren, Will |
A variant by any other name... Ensembl’s Variant Recoder |
poster |
Melsted, Pall |
Fast genome alignments from pseudoaligned RNA-Seq datasets using kallisto |
poster |
Meynert, Alison M |
Developing a Scottish variant repository |
poster |
Michno, Jean-Michel S |
Identification of candidate genes underlying nodulation-specific phenotypes in Medicago truncatula through integration of genome-wide association studies and co-expression networks |
poster |
Miller, Christopher A |
Designing cancer vaccines for trials of personalized immunotherapy |
poster |
Molik, David |
K-mer comparison methods in metagenomics, applications at the community level |
talk |
Mottarella, Scott |
GVCFLIB—An extensible library to analyze and accurately annotate clinically significant wild type and mutant alleles from gvcf formatted callsets |
talk |
Nandu, Tulip S |
Identification, regulation, and function of antisense transcription in the estrogen response in breast cancer cells |
poster |
Nehyba, Jiri |
Copy number variation analysis using a targeted next-generation sequencing amplicon panel—NEXTflex® DMD Amplicon Panel for Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
poster |
Nekrutenko, Anton |
Enhancing pre-defined workflows with ad hoc analytics using Galaxy, Docker and Jupyter |
talk |
Neretti, Nicola |
The bioinformatics of liquid biopsies—Cell-free DNA as a biomarker of disease and aging |
talk |
Ning, Zemin |
Scaff10x—A relational matrix based algorithm for genome scaffolding using 10x data |
poster |
Nothaft, Frank A |
Highly scalable genome analysis using ADAM, Cannoli, and Avocado |
poster |
Oguz, Cihan |
Network analysis of transcriptome identifies predictive biological pathways in hypertensive African Americans |
poster |
Oliver, Gavin R |
SREVED—Splicing regulatory element variant effect determination |
poster |
Olley, Dustin |
The gEAR portal—Sharing and displaying gene expression now simplified and diversified |
poster |
Olson, Andrew |
Gene tree guided search and visualization at Gramene |
poster |
Orvis, Joshua D |
Rapid, large-scale annotation using the cloud-enabled Genomic Annotation Logic and Execution System (GALES) |
poster |
Pacheco, Natasha L |
RNA sequencing and proteomics approaches reveal novel deficits in the cortex of Mecp2-deficient mice, a model for Rett syndrome |
poster |
Parekh, Swati |
zUMIs—A fast and flexible pipeline to process RNA sequencing data with UMIs |
poster |
Patricio, Mateus |
Scaling up the TreeFam resource in Ensembl |
poster |
Pertea, Mihaela |
A new comprehensive human gene catalog |
talk |
Petersohn, Devin |
Large-scale distributed genomic analysis using Lime and Gnocchi |
poster |
Phan, Lon |
dbSNP 2.0 |
poster |
Phillippy, Adam |
How to create a whole-genome human homology map in around a minute |
talk |
Piccolo, Stephen R |
Benchmarking 50 classification algorithms on 45 transcriptional biomarker datasets |
poster |
Piccolo, Stephen R |
Geney—A data ecosystem that enables biologists to efficiently subset, visualize, and analyze genomic data |
poster |
Powell, Thomas S |
Assembly optimization in both space and time of the largest genome to date |
poster |
Pritt, Jacob |
FORGe—Prioritizing variants in graph genomes |
poster |
Pulman, Jane A |
MicrobiomeDB—A web-based data-mining platform for interrogating microbiome experiments |
poster |
Qi, Freda W |
Absence of Receptor for Hyaluranon-mediated Motility (RHAMM) alters genome-wide mutational landscapes associated with tumorigenesis and metastasis |
poster |
Qi, Meifang |
A new method of hisone-modification guided genome assembly |
poster |
Quilez Oliete, Javier |
Managing the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data |
poster |
Ramakrishnan, Srividya |
Benchmarking RNA-Seq in plant species |
poster |
Ramakrishnan, Swathi |
Identification of DNA methylation driven transcriptomic alterations and clinical outcomes in African American men with prostate cancer |
poster |
Ramani, Arun K |
Alternative splicing of neurofibromin 1 is associated with elevated MAPK activity and poor prognosis in glioma |
poster |
Rangavittal, Samarth |
DiscoverY—A fast and lightweight method to isolate Y chromosome-specific sequences |
poster |
Rivas, Elena |
A statistical test for structural covariations in RNA and proteins |
talk |
Rosenfeld, Jeffrey A |
Single-cell RNA sequencing in sperm from fathers of autistic children |
poster |
Ronquist, Scott |
An algorithm for cellular reprogramming |
poster |
Roskosch, Sebastian |
PopDel—Population-scale detection of genomic deletions |
poster |
Rubanova, Yulia |
Trackature—Reconstructing mutational signatures through time to track tumour evolution |
poster |
Russell, Pamela H |
An R client for The Cancer Imaging Archive REST API |
poster |
Sahin, Nil |
Machine learning and computer vision approaches for phenotypic profiling in yeast |
poster |
Sahlin, Kristoffer |
IsoCon—A novel algorithm combined with targeted transcriptome sequencing of multicopy gene families traces the origins of highly similar transcripts to individual gene copies |
talk |
Salvatore, Stefania |
The rainfall plot—Its motivation, characteristics and pitfalls |
poster |
Sankoff, David |
The similarity distribution of gene pairs created by recurrent alternation of whole genome duplication and fractionation in plants |
poster |
Sasse, Alexander |
Predicting preferences of RNA binding proteins from protein sequence |
poster |
Saunders, Christopher T |
Strelka2—Fast and accurate small variant calling for germline and cancer sequencing applications |
poster |
Schneider, Valerie |
Behind the veil—Using visualization tools to examine genome curation |
poster |
Schubach, Max |
Selective constraints on enhancer and promoter sequences across human cell-types |
talk |
Schulze, Gunnar |
Debacter—High-resolution decontamination of genomes using deep sequencing data |
poster |
Sedlazeck, Fritz J. |
Accurate and fast detection of complex and nested structural variations using long read technologies. |
poster |
Sedlyarov, Vitaly |
A comprehensive pipeline for analysis of complex-setup genome-scale and focused pooled CRISPR-Screens |
poster |
Shah, Preyas |
Assembly of individual chromosomes at multi-megabase scale using Linked-Reads |
poster |
Sharma, Shipra |
Nucleoprotein of influenza A virus regulates host translation machinery by targeting mTOR-eIF4E pathway proteins and its controlling microRNAs |
poster |
Shatz, Maria |
Environmental Health Sciences Data Commons (EDAC)—A research data management and data workflow automation system |
poster |
Shim, Heejung |
McSplicer—A probabilistic model for alternative splicing |
poster |
Shin, SeungHo |
Characterization of background errors in targeted deep sequencing data specifically associated with plasma DNA |
poster |
Shirley, Matthew |
PISCES—A package for quantitation and QC of big mRNA-seq datasets |
poster |
Shrestha, Raunak |
HIT'nDRIVE—Patient-specific multi-driver gene prioritization for precision oncology |
poster |
Shu, Shengqiang |
Rare splice sites in plant protein-coding genes |
poster |
Siepel, Adam |
New methods for measuring natural selection and predicting deleterious variants in noncoding regions of the human genome |
talk |
Singh, Angad P |
Increasing the lower limit of detection for mutations with limited number of reads using unique molecular identifiers and consensus building |
poster |
Sisu, Cristina |
Pseudogenes in the mouse lineage—Transcriptional activity and strain-specific history |
poster |
Sivakumar, Smruthy |
Identification and correction of problematic copy number calls in TCGA |
talk |
Skvir, Nicholas J |
RetroSuite, an integrated pipeline for the genome-wide analysis of transposable elements |
poster |
Smith, Jennifer R |
RGD—Data and tools for precision models of human disease |
poster |
Sompallae, Ramakrishna |
Validation and implementation of KidneySeqTM—A comprehensive gene panel for genetic renal diseases |
poster |
Song, Li |
ClassX—Scalable simultaneous transcript assembly of multiple RNA-seq data sets |
poster |
Standage, Daniel S |
Kevlar—Reference-free variant discovery in human genomes and beyond |
poster |
Staples, Jeffrey C |
Completing a human gene knockout catalog through accurate phasing of 15K rare, deleterious compound heterozygous mutations in 61K exomes |
talk |
Tanaka, Hidenori |
Genome rearrangement triggered by thermostable restriction enzyme inducing multiple DNA double-strand breaks |
poster |
Taylor, James P |
Quality assessment and large-scale integration of chromosome conformation capture datasets |
poster |
Tello-Ruiz, Marcela K |
Gramene—Comparative genomics, gene expression and pathway reference resources for plant communities |
poster |
Thodberg, Malte |
The in vivo transcription start site and enhancer landscape of inflammatory bowel disease enables disease classification and interpretation of non-coding SNPs |
poster |
Tolstorukov, Michael |
Regulating the regulators—Analysis of the differential expression of histone variant genes in normal development and cancer |
poster |
Tutaj, Monika |
Comparison of rat strain-specific variants collection for all rat genome references |
poster |
Vasoya, Deepali |
Rapid identification of MHC alleles and haplotypes in genetically divergent cattle populations Using NGS |
poster |
Vegesna, Rahulsimham |
Copy number and expression variation in ampliconic genes on the Y chromosomes of great apes |
poster |
Vieth, Beate |
powsimR—Power analysis for bulk and single cell RNA-seq experiments |
poster |
Viner, Coby |
Modeling methyl-sensitive transcription factor motifs with an expanded epigenetic alphabet |
talk |
Vitting-Seerup, Kristoffer |
The landscape of isoform switches in human cancers |
talk |
Wagner, Justin M |
Metaviz and the Human Microbiome Project Data Portal—Interactive statistical and visual analysis of metagenomic data from the HMP |
talk |
Wang, George |
Linked-Reads vs long reads—Balancing cost and contiguity in the Vitis cinerea genome |
poster |
Wang, Haozhe |
Computational modeling long non-coding RNAs mediated transcription regulation |
poster |
Wang, Jiayao |
GTD—Estimating genotype likelihood by deep neural networks |
poster |
Wang, Jie |
deFusion—A tool to improve predictions of tandemly duplicated genes created by the MAKER annotation pipeline |
poster |
Wang, Yinpeng Andy |
Metagenomics study of individuals with seasonal influenza |
poster |
Wang, Yuejun |
Convergence of light, stresses and circadian rhythm on nuclear-encoded chloroplast-localized genes (NECGs) in Arabidopsis |
poster |
Wasmuth, James D |
Sparkle—Finding missing genes in draft genomes |
poster |
Wesolowski, Sergiusz |
How shapes of nucleosomal DNA can regulate gene expression |
poster |
White, Peter |
Global analysis of human mRNA folding disruptions in synonymous variants demonstrates significant population constraint |
talk |
Wilks, Christopher |
Snaptron—A tool and service for studying splicing in tens of thousands of individuals |
poster |
Williams, Paul D |
Gene fusion information management |
poster |
Wintersinger, Jeff A |
Correcting discordance between six copy-number-calling methods for 2778 tumours |
poster |
Wu, Thomas |
Transcriptome-guided genomic alignment and analysis |
talk |
Wyman, Dana |
Generating full-length, high-quality human transcriptomes from PacBio Iso-seq data |
poster |
Xue, Yaxin |
An iterative approach for reconstructing full-length ribosomal genes from whole metatranscriptomic data |
poster |
Yan, Chengfei |
Modularity analysis of enhancer-promoter interaction networks |
poster |
Yang, Guangyu |
JULIP++—Fast and ultra-sensitive identification of differential splicing events from large RNA-seq data collections |
poster |
Ye, Ping |
Genomics and bioinformatics approach to investigating the role of repetitive elements in the chemoprevention of colorectal cancer |
poster |
Ye, Ping |
Identification of predictors for therapeutic response to immunotherapy |
poster |
Young, Adamo J |
Learning RNA binding protein motifs using convolutional neural networks |
poster |
Young, Robert S |
The consequences of promoter birth and death in the human population |
talk |
Zappia, Luke |
Simulation and analysis tools for single-cell RNA sequencing data |
talk |
Zhang, Junjun |
Jtracker—Workflow management and execution backed on Git repository with full provenance |
poster |
Zhang, Junjun |
The Cancer Genome Collaboratory |
poster |
Zhang, Zhonghua |
An improved assembly identifies new features of cucumber genome |
poster |
Zhou, Qian |
The genome organization of an autotetraploid potato(Solanum tuberosum L.) |
poster |
Ziegler, Kirby A |
An integrative roadmap to PAX3 target gene networks in melanocytes and melanoma |
poster |
Zimin, Aleksey V |
Hybrid assembly of challenging genomes with MaSuRCA mega-reads |
poster |