Presenting Author |
Abstract Title |
Talk/Poster |
Adams, Peter |
The epigenome—A conduit for pro-longevity and healthy aging interventions? |
talk |
Ahmed, Shawn |
C. elegans piRNA mutants transmit a form of heritable stress |
talk |
Allsopp, Rich |
Association of the protective FOXO3 longevity variant with telomere dynamics during aging |
talk |
Arriola Apelo, Sebastian I |
Female sex hormones alter the metabolic impact of hepatic Rictor deletion |
talk |
Augereau, Adeline |
Role of the naked mole rat TRF1 in telomere maintenance |
talk |
Azpurua, Jorge |
Increased expression of the Drosophila matrix metalloproteinase 1 (dMMP1) gene in motor neurons contributes to behavior deficits during normal aging and TDP43-driven neurodegeneration |
talk |
Bagnall, Ciara N |
The role of MAPK signaling in post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment |
poster |
Bai, Hua |
The role of TGF-beta-Activin signaling in Drosophila cardiac aging |
poster |
Balch, William |
Profiling reveals an aging signature in the lung responsive to influenza infection |
poster |
Benayoun, Berenice A |
Genome-wide chromatin maps and transcriptomes across tissues during mouse aging |
poster |
Birch, Jodie |
Rapamycin ameliorates senescence in the lung of a mouse model of chronic inflammation in a SASP-independent manner |
poster |
Blackwell, Keith |
Modulation of stress responses and lifespan through redox signaling at the ER |
talk |
Bonkowski, Michael S |
Divergent regulation of SIRT1 within the neuroendocrine axis in response to calorie restriction |
poster |
Booth, Lauren N |
Sexual interactions promote a premature aging signature in nematodes |
talk |
Borkowska, Joanna |
Global 5-hydroxymethylation increases during aging of human subcutaneous fat and adipose stem cells. |
poster |
Brunet, Anne |
Epigenetic regulation of aging neural stem cells |
talk |
Canaan, Allon |
Mechanisms of pleiotropic impact on aging by FAT10 |
poster |
Chakraborty, Tuhin Subhra |
Death perception influences health and lifespan in Drosophila |
talk |
Chang, Sandy |
TRF2 interacts with NBS1 to mediate telomere repair |
talk |
Cohen Berkman, Moran |
A novel siRNA signal that promotes longevity upon germline removal in C. elegans |
poster |
Cohen, Haim |
Weighty decisions by SIRT6 in fat oxidation |
talk |
Cooney, Michael C |
DNA repair and cellular markers of aging in human cells engineered to express a tardigrade photolyase |
poster |
Csoka, Antonei B |
Berberine and Gynostemma pentaphyllum extract effects on Progerin production in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria cells |
poster |
Cummings, Nicole E |
Intervening in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome by reduction of specific dietary amino acids |
poster |
Dang, Weiwei |
Activation of oxidative stress response via SIRT1 is required for successful adipogenic differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells |
talk |
Das, Abhirup |
NAD and H2S reverse the effects of aging on endurance by triggering new capillary formation |
talk |
De Cecco, Marco |
Architectural changes in genomes and derepression of transposable elements during replicative senescence of human fibroblasts |
poster |
Demarco, Rafael S |
A lipid metabolism checkpoint regulates self-renewal and differentiation of germline stem cells |
talk |
Denzel, Martin S |
Hexosamine pathway activation improves protein quality control in mammalian cells |
talk |
Derous, Davina |
The signalling role of adipose tissue during calorie restriction |
poster |
Detienne, Giel J |
Long live the Queen—Royalactin mediates longevity through epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling and influences protein translation |
talk |
Di Francesco, Andrea |
NQO1 is a novel regulator of mRNA translation, insulin sensitivity and energy metabolism |
talk |
Diaz-Ruiz, Alberto |
Delineating S6K1-independent mechanisms induced by rapamycin |
poster |
Ear, Po Hien |
The beneficial effect of nicotinamide riboside requires an optimal delivery method |
poster |
Fang, Evandro Fei |
Reversal of defective nuclear-mitochondrial DNA damage signaling corrects neuromuscular phenotypes and extends lifespan in ataxia telangiectasia models |
talk |
Fuhrmann-Stroissnigg, Heike |
Novel senotherapeutics for delaying onset of age-related diseases |
poster |
Gale, Debra |
Highly selective fluorogenic probes for accurate and sensitive quantitation of nucleic acids |
poster |
Ghazi, Arjumand |
Promotion of longevity by concomitant modulation of somatic lipid production and breakdown pathways in response to germline signals |
talk |
Gill, Matthew |
Role and regulation of the truncated insulin receptor isoform DAF-2B in C. elegans |
talk |
Gladyshev, Vadim |
Analysis of cancer genomes reveals basic features of human aging and its role in cancer development |
talk |
Glorioso, Christin A |
Molecular brain aging and APOEε4 are independent and additive risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease |
poster |
Godinez, Ricardo |
A platform to identify and validate novel bioactive peptides that control bioenergetics, metabolism and aging in mammals |
poster |
Gonzalez, Brenda |
Elucidating the role of mitochondrial function in human longevity |
poster |
Grammatikakis, Ioannis |
Identification of senescence-associated circular RNAs (SAC-RNAs) reveals senescence supressor CircPVT1 |
poster |
Gurkar, Aditi |
The role of endogenous DNA damage in driving senescence and aging |
talk |
Hanashiro, Jun |
Gene regulation of Zizimin2 and its impact on immunosenescence |
poster |
Hansen, Malene |
Spatiotemporal regulation of autophagy in C. elegans aging |
poster |
Harel, Itamar |
Age-related loss of proteostasis as a driver of aging and disease in a new vertebrate model: the African turquoise killifish |
talk |
Harrington, Lea |
Critically short telomeres induce differentiated cells to adopt a more primitive cell state |
talk |
Hartman, John L |
Phenomic and metabolomic analysis of gene-nutrient interaction influences on S. cerevisiae chronological lifespan |
poster |
Hayano, Motoshi |
Do epigenetic changes cause aging in mammals? |
talk |
He, Chong |
Novel pipeline for discovery of compounds that alter cell cycle and extend lifespan in yeast |
poster |
Hekimi, Siegfried |
Statistical analysis of mortality rates reveals different mechanisms of longevity in long-lived mouse and Caenorhabditis elegans mutants |
poster |
Henis-Korenblit, Sivan |
Innate immunity mediated longevity and longevity induced by germ cell removal converge on the CTLD protein CTLD-F40F4.6 |
talk |
Hoppe, Thorsten |
Insulin receptor degradation controlled by the quality control ubiquitin ligase CHIP adjusts longevity and proteostasis |
talk |
Hsu, Ao-Lin |
SAMS-1 as a nutrient sensor that mediates dietary restriction-induced longevity in C. elegans |
talk |
Diapause in vertebrates—A natural form of suspended animation that protects organisms from stress and aging |
poster |
Hubbard, E. Jane |
Aging germline stem cells |
talk |
Huh, Christine J |
Maintenance of age in directly reprogrammed human neurons from fibroblasts |
poster |
Ieong, Iok Lou |
Novel post-translational modification of KAP1 and its biological relevance |
poster |
Imai, Shin-Ichiro |
The role of dorsomedial hypothalamic neurons in mammalian aging and longevity |
talk |
Iouk, Tatiana |
Chemically regulated mitochondrial fusion and telomere-dependent longevity in yeast |
poster |
Ishii, Takamasa |
Lipid peroxide-induced innate immune responses in premature aging gene SDHC-mutated paraganglioma's model mice |
poster |
Ishikawa, Shoma |
Proteostasis failure and cellular senescence in primary rat hippocampal neurons |
poster |
Ito, Takahiro |
Epigenetic regulation of cellular senescence by WNT-MYC-polycomb signaling |
talk |
Ivessa, Andreas |
Low abundance of non-histone protein complexes in nuclei of replicative aging yeast cells results in reduced replication fork pausing/stalling at fragile chromosomal sites |
talk |
Iwashita, Yuji |
Exploration and functional analysis of cellular senescence-associated long non-coding RNAs |
poster |
Jasper, Heinrich |
Age-related stem cell dysfunction—Causes and consequences |
talk |
Jin, Kelly |
Metabolomics of lifespan extension in calorically restricted fruit flies |
poster |
Jo, Jeong Hun |
Age-associated pancreatic islet transcriptome analysis finds the involvement of glutamate decarboxylase 67 in compensatory insulin secretion |
poster |
Johnson, Jay E |
Enzymatic depletion of methionine is sufficient to confer the cellular lifespan extension associated with methionine restriction |
poster |
Johnson, Sean E |
Hippocampal dependent cognitive phenotypes in aged mice are recapitulated by CA1-specific NAMPT knockdown and rescued by nicotinamide mononucleotide |
poster |
Jones, Brian C |
A somatic piRNA pathway in the Drosophila fat body suppresses transposable elements ensuring metabolic homeostasis |
talk |
Jung, Sukjoon |
Genetic synthesis of age-dependent loss of survivorship in C. elegans |
poster |
Kaitsuka, Taku |
The role of histone deacetylase 11 in the pluripotency of the mouse pluripotent stem cells |
poster |
Kang, Myung Jin |
Negative regulation of lifespan by a potentially secreted type II DNA transposon |
poster |
Kang, Yun Kyoung |
Role of RBM39-mediated mitochondrial dynamics in muscle-specific mitochondrial proteostasis and longevity. |
poster |
Kawamura, Yoshimi |
Unique response of cancer- and senescence-resistant rodent “Naked mole-rat” to cellular senescence induction |
poster |
Ke, Zhonghe |
Higher levels of niche HA of the NMR mediates the maintenance of LT-HSCs by reducing ROS levels |
talk |
Kenyon, Cynthia |
Cellular quality control in the C. elegans germline |
talk |
Khodakarami, Amirabbas |
Somatic increase of CCT8 mimics proteostasis of human embryonic stem cells and extends organismal longevity in C. elegans |
talk |
Khundmiri, Syed J |
Salt-sensitivity in aging—A tale of two rat models |
poster |
Khussainova, Elmira |
The role of SOD3 gene polymorphism in development of age-related diseases in Kazakhstan population |
poster |
Kim, Chuna |
A telomerase-independent way to overcome replicative senescence in Caenorhabditis elegans |
poster |
Kim, Hyo Jung |
Regulatory inversion in NAC network determines the timing of age-dependent cell death in plants |
poster |
Kim, Hyunmin |
Positive feedback regulation between the circadian clock and an aging regulator in plants |
talk |
Kim, Keetae |
miR-204 downregulates EphB2 in aging mouse hippocampal neurons |
poster |
Kim, Kyoung Mi |
Novel senescence marker proteins SCAMP4 and DPP4 can regulate cellular senescence |
poster |
Kim, Sun Y |
Defining chromatin network dynamics in aging neural stem cells |
poster |
Kim, Sunhee |
C. elegans hijacks plant’s pathogen-defense peptide as an attractant signal to increase their fitness |
poster |
Kim, Sunhee |
Age-dependent loss of physical strength is compensated by ZIP-2 via mitochondrial protection |
poster |
Kim, Youn-Jung |
Restoration of environmental enrichment on cognitive and auditory decline through the modulation of Sirt-1 and iNOS in aged rat brain |
poster |
Kocsisova, Zuzana |
Reproductive aging of Caenorhabditis nematodes |
poster |
Kornfeld, Kerry |
A genetic model of caloric restriction in C. elegans caused by food avoidance behavior |
poster |
Kreiling, Jill A. |
Members of the miR465 family increase expression with age in mouse liver and influence the growth hormone receptor pathway |
poster |
Krizhanovsky, Valery |
Quantitative identification of senescent cells and consequences of their pharmacological elimination |
talk |
Kumar, Sandeep |
Identification of genes that regulate stress resistance and lifespan independent of FOXO transcription factor DAF-16 in Caenorhabditis elegans |
poster |
Kumsta, Caroline |
HSF-1 jointly regulates autophagy and stress resistance in C. elegans |
talk |
Labunskyy, Vyacheslav |
Amino acid permease deficiency extends Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan via translational activation of stress response genes |
talk |
Lamming, Dudley W |
Decreased consumption of specific macronutrients promotes metabolic health and longevity |
talk |
Lapierre, Louis |
Blocking lipid secretion promotes lipophagy and longevity |
talk |
Lee, Howon |
Integrative transcriptome analysis to understand the hypothalamus ageing. |
poster |
Lee, Seung Jae |
RNA surveillance via nonsense-mediated mRNA decay is crucial for longevity in C. elegans |
talk |
Lee, Siu Sylvia |
Dynamic changes of gene-body H3K4me3 with age in C. elegans somatic cells |
poster |
Lee, Wei-Hua |
Mouse Tmem135 mutation reveals a mechanism involving mitochondrial dynamics that leads to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) pathologies |
poster |
Lee, Wonhee |
Potential regulatory switch modules that are involved in transition of physical status during aging in C. elegans |
poster |
Lee, Wonhee |
Theoretical and experimental investigation on a plausible ‘aging clock’ system |
poster |
Leith, Andrew M |
Expression of transposable elements in human aging |
poster |
Li, Jun |
A conserved NAD binding pocket that regulates protein-protein interactions during aging |
poster |
Li, Li |
PGC-1a-GABPa-AKT pathway modulates ageing and neurodegeneration |
talk |
Liberman, Noa |
A screen of the human ORFeome for novel longevity regulators identifies CPNE2 as a lysosomal-mitochondrial regulator |
poster |
Libert, Sergiy V |
Therapeutic suppression of SIRT6 protects from Parkinson’s disease |
talk |
Lim, Junhyun |
Latitudinal evolution in aging—How do plants use latitudinal information to regulate aging? |
poster |
Identification of senescent cells by the p16Ink4a tdTomato reporter mice |
poster |
Lopez-Dominguez, Jose Alberto |
A very low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet extends longevity and improves healthspan parameters in adult mice |
poster |
Lu, Jiongming |
TORC1 amino-acid sensing pathway in lifespan regulation of Drosophila melanogaster |
poster |
Luo, Hanzhi |
The regulation of mitochondrial metabolic checkpoint in HSC aging |
poster |
Luo, Ying |
The loss of p21 function accelerated aging in Werner syndrome mouse model |
poster |
Luo, Ying |
The potential of traditional Chinese medicine in balancing anti-aging and anti-tumor |
poster |
Lyu, Yang |
Protein valuation modulates aging under a complex nutritional environment |
talk |
Macchiarini, Francesca |
Research funding for studies of aging biology |
poster |
Magalhaes, Joao Pedro |
Biodiversity of ageing—Old evolutionary mechanisms and new genomic approaches |
talk |
Mahmoudi, Salah |
Old fibroblasts exhibit persistent inflammaging features that are linked with increased individual-to-individual variability in cellular reprogramming |
poster |
Mair, William |
Dietary restriction and TORC1 promote longevity via splicing factor 1 modulation of pre-mRNA splicing homeostasis |
talk |
Malucelli, Lucca |
Premature aging induced by visible light (simulated solar radiation) in adult human fibroblasts |
poster |
Marques, Francisco D |
Epigenome-metabolic cross talk in senescence—Pyruvate-induced senescence |
poster |
Marttila, Saara |
Aging-associated changes in the expression of human endogenous retrovirus family HERV-K(HML-2) |
talk |
Maulik, Malabika |
Alaskan blueberry and Sirtuin 1-mediated signaling in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Parkinson's disease |
poster |
Mayr, Felix |
In vivo protein folding capacity of the ribosome implicated in cytosolic protein folding capacity |
poster |
McGrath, Patrick T |
Positive selection on a subunit of the NURF chromatin remodeler extends lifespan in a domesticated C. elegans strain |
poster |
Mihaylova, Maria M |
Fasting-activated fatty acid oxidation enhances intestinal stem cell function in aging |
talk |
Miller, Dana L |
Epigenetic bookmarking of hydrogen sulfide exposure |
talk |
Mills, Kathryn F |
Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated functional decline in mice |
talk |
Miura, Kyoko |
Tumour resistance in induced pluripotent stem cells derived from naked mole-rats |
talk |
Monnier, Vincent |
The double-edge sword of vitamin C—An anti-aging vitamin that promotes oxoaldehyde stress in the aging lens and brain |
poster |
Moreno Blas, Daniel |
Defective autophagy in neuronal senescence |
poster |
Morrissey, Christapher S |
Meta-analysis leads to deeper understanding of cellular senescence |
poster |
Moskalev, Alexey |
Effects of pharmacological inhibition of aging-associated pathways on Drosophila lifespan and healthspan |
poster |
Mucino Hernandez, Gabriel |
NR4A nuclear receptor family and autophagy in the DNA damage response |
poster |
Nathan, Kousalya |
Effect of abrupt and gradual calorie restriction regimens on biochemical and behavioral markers in obese mice |
poster |
Neretti, Nicola |
Changes in chromosome architecture and transcriptional landscape in cellular senescence |
talk |
Newman, John C |
Longevity and healthspan effects of ketogenic and high-fat diets in mice |
poster |
Nichenametla, Sailendra N |
Methionine-restricted and low-calorie diets induce contrasting changes in gut microbiome and bile acid profile |
poster |
Noguchi, Eishi |
Maf1-dependent transcriptional regulation of tRNAs extends lifespan under calorie-restricted conditions in fission yeast |
poster |
Noh, Ji Heon |
Loss of GRSF1 triggers cellular senescence, elevates IL6 production |
poster |
Oberdoerffer, Philipp |
Replication stress promotes persistent, DNA damage-induced epigenetic dysfunction with cellular age |
talk |
Ondracek, Caitlin R |
Enhanced function of novel sirtuin enzymes achieved through directed evolution |
talk |
Ovadya, Yossi |
Impaired immune clearance of senescent cells promotes aging in mice |
poster |
Owusu-Ansah, Edward |
Regulation of mitochondrial complex I biogenesis in Drosophila skeletal muscles |
poster |
Park, Hi-Joon |
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) rescues dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease model—Increase of MCH by acupuncture treatment |
poster |
Park, Junsoo |
Age-associated impairment of autophagy is regulated by miR-210 in hypothalamus |
poster |
Partridge, Linda |
Exome matching predicts anabolic traits in Drosophila and mouse |
talk |
Petrashen, Anna P |
Translational regulation of insulin-like growth factor 1 by MYC |
poster |
Pichardo, Israel |
Screening of the mammalian proteome for small peptides that function as longevity factors |
poster |
Prahlad, Veena |
Neurosensory control of the heat shock transcription factor, HSF1 |
poster |
Promislow, Daniel |
Canine aging—Can old dogs teach us new tricks? |
talk |
Rabinovitch, Peter S |
Reversing cardiac aging by enhancing mitochondrial function |
talk |
Rezazadeh, Sarallah |
Activation versus silencing—Towards a model for SIRT6-mediated Heme Oxygenase-1 promoter activation |
poster |
Riedel, Christian G |
DAF-16/FOXO and HLH-30/TFEB cooperate as combinatorial transcription factors to regulate stress responses and aging in C. elegans |
talk |
Rodriguez-Fernandez, Imilce A |
A new proteostasis checkpoint in Drosophila intestinal stem cells: implications for age-related tissue dysfunction |
talk |
Ross, Jaime M |
Using proteomics to elucidate how voluntary exercise counteracts prematurely aging phenotypes in mtDNA mutator mice |
poster |
Saini, Natalie |
The impact of environmental and endogenous damage on the accumulation of somatic mutation load in adult humans |
poster |
Scharf, Andrea |
Analysis of C. elegans population dynamics to investigate aging |
poster |
Schultz, Michael B |
Activation of CD38 and NAD depletion as a cause of inflammaging |
poster |
Sell, Christian |
Metabolic stress as a trigger for cellular senescence |
poster |
Seluanov, Andrei |
SIRT6 contributes to more efficient DNA double strand break repair in long-lived rodent species |
talk |
Sharpless, Norman E |
The role of CDKN2a in mammalian aging |
talk |
Shaw, Albert |
Age-associated defect in human NLRP3 inflammasome function |
talk |
Shim, Jaewon |
Expansion of lifespan of Drosophila by food extracts |
poster |
Simic, Milos |
The activation of the UPRER is an essential step in the acquisition of pluripotency during reprogramming |
talk |
Simon, Matthew A |
Fighting the legion—Suppression of mobilized LINE1 elements combats premature aging in SIRT6 knockout mice |
talk |
Simons, Mirre |
Instant control of mortality rate by reduced Tor signalling |
poster |
Sinclair, David |
Insights into the causes and reversibility of aging |
talk |
Smith Jr, Daniel L |
Yeast phenomic analysis suggests association between hydrogen sulfide production and chronological lifespan |
poster |
Smith, Jessica L. |
A sizeable role for the cell cycle in longevity |
poster |
Spurrier, Josh |
Cdk5 dysfunction increases the intrinsic rate of aging |
poster |
Stroustrup, Nicholas E |
The temporal scaling of C. elegans aging |
talk |
Suh, Yousin |
Enhancer mechanisms in human aging and disease |
talk |
Sunderland, Piotr |
Mechanisms of senescence in neural cells – role of ATM and oxidative stress |
poster |
Sural, Surojit |
Inhibition of HSB-1 induces an altered heat shock factor-1-associated transcriptional profile to promote longevity |
poster |
Taguchi, Taketo |
Potential application of high-molecular weight hyaluronic acid for osteoarthritis |
poster |
Takasugi, Masaki |
DNA damage response triggers compositional and functional alterations of exosomes secreted by senescent cells |
poster |
Tatar, Marc |
Water-loss dehydration triggers ecdysone-mediated innate immune priming and immunosenescence in Drosophila renal tubules |
talk |
Tazearslan, Cagdas |
Enhancer and epigenetic regulation of replicative senescence |
talk |
Tian, Xiao |
Hyaluronan synthesis suppresses mTOR pathway and is a potential anti-aging mechanism in naked mole rat |
talk |
Tombline, Gregory |
Naked mole rat cells have stable epigenome that resists iPSC reprogramming |
poster |
Tremmel, Sarah I |
How does the hexosamine pathway improve protein quality control? |
poster |
Tyshkovskiy, Alexander |
Gene expression analyses across lifespan-extending interventions identify the associated molecular mechanisms |
poster |
Unselt, Desiree M |
Drosophila lifespan— Effects of RNA interference (RNAi)-suppression |
poster |
Valenzano, Dario Riccardo |
Regulation of lifespan by gut microbiota transfer in the turquoise killifish |
talk |
von Zglinicki, Thomas |
How does cell senescence drive ageing? |
talk |
Walker, David |
Examining the interplay between mitochondrial dynamics, mitophagy and aging |
talk |
Wang, Horng-Dar |
Phosphofructokinase 2 regulates female lifespan in Drosophila and C. elegans |
poster |
Wang, Meng |
Micro-regulation of lipid metabolism and longevity |
talk |
Webb, Ashley E |
Elucidation of transcriptional networks that preserve adult neural stem cell function during aging |
talk |
Wilkinson, Erby J |
The establishment of age-related histological endpoints in mice using the Geropathology Grading Platform |
poster |
Wood, Jason G |
Chromatin modifying genetic interventions suppress age-associated transposable element activation and extend lifespan in Drosophila |
poster |
Wu, Lindsay |
SIRT2 preserves female fertility into old age |
poster |
Xu, Xiao |
TRAP analysis reveals cell-type specific gene expression changes in the mammalian central nervous system |
poster |
Yan, Anqi |
Age-dependent beneficial metabolic effect of PI3K p110α pathway down-regulation in the adipose tissue |
poster |
Yanase, Sumino |
Impaired p53/CEP-1 induces lifespan extension via an adaptive metabolic transition in Caenorhabditis elegans |
poster |
Yang, Jae-Hyun |
Evidence for epigenomic change as a cause of mammalian aging |
poster |
Yasuda, Kayo |
Oxidative stress response of the transcription factor MXL-3 in the nematode C. elegans |
poster |
Yim, Sun Hee |
Metabolomics of brain aging |
poster |
Regulatory mechanisms underlying the evolutionarily conserved calorie restriction dependent ageing delay in energy self sufficient photosynthetic plants |
talk |
Zhang, Ran |
Calorie restriction protects against abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice. |
poster |
Zhao, Jing |
Genetic reduction in ATM alleviates DNA damage-induced senescence, improves stem cell function and extends healthspan in a mouse model of accelerated aging |
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Zhao, Yang |
Cancer resistance in a long-lived rodent the blind mole rat is mediated by a methylation-sensing mechanism |
poster |
Zullo, Joseph M |
Regulation of lifespan, FoxO, and insulin signaling by the transcription factor NRSF/REST |
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